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In this video me and Otzdarva will become Unkillable using the freshly buffed We are gonna live forever perk! I hope you enjoy
Thumbnail by Torm3nto
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Awww they're going to be bullying killers…oh wait it's a Doctor! That's okay then.
you clearly died though so therefor are indeed killable this tittle is a lie or is it? 🙃
Bro half of these hits would have hit me 🤣I want 0 ping too
8:27 the thing is you can’t save when the doctor Shocks you
this build would be amazing with reactive healing
You can run this in solo queue btw. It works with For The People.
hens fucking juiced the doctor holy shit. Not that I had any doubt in hens ability but what a game 🤘
You two are so wholesome playing together not in streaks, just having a good time chilling it's nice 🥰
Imagine this but with plot twist
works with FTP btw 😛
Other Title: The new Buckle up
That’s thumbnail is curse 😂
That killer went STRAIGHT into the forums to complain about how unbalanced the game is!
Hear me out.. instead of strength in the shadows. Blood pact or what that haste perk is again 🤣
Why does otz look like an actual survivor that’s so cool
I wish i had such opponent teams more often. I like seeing unique strats, and i don't mind to lose when i see great ideas and execution from opponents.
(My usual opponents are so incompetent, that i can addonless perkless t1 myers 4k. I face a great team like once half a year. I wish there was proper competitive (not bracket system) at least as a limited-time event which comes like my little oni or darkness)
Oh buccle Up but u can heal anyways i see
The editing is so good, I'm honestly impressed
This is evil af. I hope i didn't see that build while playing killer
you know is busted when otz can pull it off that easy. jk
I'm gonna do this in full SWF were going straight to hell
all this does is prove that the buff was uncalled for
imagine u play a casual round of dbd and get destroyed by otz and hens 😵
The thumbnail looks like you stole otzs soul and imprinted him into the game
Imagine this with hope
How did u get the endurance in the first game from which perk?😊
you look like matt murdock
put in someone's place
"Mettle of man"
whoever put otz in the thumbnail is a little too good it looks pretty uncanny
That makes sense!
No it doesn't…
i feel so bad when Otz "Im sorry" im sitting here comforting the phone like "its ok Otz, you didnt do anything wrong man"😭😂
That was fun to watch. Please do more vids with Otz ❤
3:32 Toptier Editing
"they can't down us all" -> Ever wondered why so many killers slug the lobby lol – love the vids!
The craziest thing about this video was getting 2 decent tiles on nostromo right next to each other 💀💀💀
What would be the best perk to run for the 4th perk slot in this case?
Video was fun, but I really struggled with the audio for the last match, Dracula's chase music with the jazz music added on top was system overload for me
omg ive been using similar to this build for ages im so glad you guys are enjoying the heal fun :3
This is what happens when people who never saw a killer nerf they didn't like are consultants