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Best Of JRM 11
Welcome back to the Best Of JRM, this video contains funny dead by daylight moments from my stream!
Shout out to @Tithi for editing this for me.
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nea doing the god audition in the new dbd film 0:11 lmao
This makes the whole month bro 😂
Love you vids lmao
Lmao i can't
This compilation is the funniest one yet
1:53 I think thats the hardest I've laghed in 10 years
God every time I see really bad killer game play I’m afraid it’s me lmao
Best of jrm is just getting better each episode lmao. Thank you tithi for the amazing editing!
What does jarmo stand for
Stuck in the middle of you…..
I actually had to come here and give you credit for that amazing thumbnail
The locker cj just blew my mind I never even thought of trying that
Can i set my ringtone to jrm saying silly sausage
Mummy Kins doesn’t mind me watching you play but she doesn’t like the bad language
I do really love this series sooo much. Its just funnier and funnier at that moment. LOVE <3
I had my first hole yesterday and it was the best feeling 🤣 I understand why you chase the buzz of it 🤣
The thumbnail is one of the best on YouTube
When I play dbd with my friend and do something stupid that actually works we say "I've pulled a JRM".
I can't with the snowman just casually yet REALLY slowly going past bubba at 2:47
LMAO the way that blight turned around after he threw that pebble at 1:57 killed me XD
LOL when JRM says “look at that bubba he’s trying to fuck the window” that got me XD
lol that donation sound effect at 4:11 sounded like someone letting a huge dump or a fart XD
Lmao the end
Awww that cat picture at 5:38 was ADORABLE 🥰
I love these best of JRM videos they are awesome and hilarious
The bird lady one at 3:58 killed me
Source for best fun content of DBD
The sound effects AND the captions on this. I’m fucking dead 😭😂😂 this is amazing
When did the best of jrm turn into the best clips of youtube?
0:58 among us indeed
oh how jealous i am that you got to be inside myers
Awesome editing. Big respect to Ayrun for popping in to show his support at the end.
This stuff is hilarious loved every second of it man! <3
I laughed so much Tithi + JRM is next level
And the edits are getting insane, that ghost face 1:20 LMAO
That last clip was… something
ghostface mindgamed you so hard at 1:20
Can anyone tell me that sick mix tape at 1:40
Have to say even though ive seen most of these on twitch, the editing was spot on and made a banger of a video, had to watch it like 3 times over.