Reacting to a Disgusting Tournament Blight | Dead by Daylight

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This video features my commentary and reaction to one of the filthiest games of Blight I’ve ever seen in a tournament. A reminder that no matter how insane the Survivors are, they’ll always look weak against this ridiculous killer (even without his best build or add-ons). Keep in mind that this map also spawned a nasty 4-gen which made things even worse.

This match comes from the @dbdleague, drop them a follow!

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Thumbnail render by @Ev3ntic.


48 thoughts on “Reacting to a Disgusting Tournament Blight | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Insider info came out about what the devs are doing with blights addons and theres a pretty big discussion going on with the balancing team about how to better balance them what ive heard is they're actually planning a pretty big nerf for the pig so hopefully that helps out with how strong blights been!

  2. The problem is you could put a player who is theoretically a 10x better player than that blight on a weaker killer, and they woudnt get more than maybe 2 hooks even if they play perfectly. The game is just simply bad.

  3. I've never understood why Behaviour doesn't just try the most obvious bandaid fix to outlier killer powers like Blight's and Nurse's – just give them a longer cooldown. That wouldn't fix them exactly but it would certainly help. Against a player with a lot of hours it's already extremely hard to outplay their power, but if you DO… it just doesn't matter because they have it back in no time at all. At the very least if they took longer to recover then if you managed to outplay them it would set them back a lot more and they'd have to use their busted power more judiciously. And such a fix would require close to zero resources, it's literally tweaking a parameter. It'd be a start!

  4. I remember when the Blight first came to DBD. Some content creators thought he was going to be a mid killer. I laughed at this and argued that no, he was going to be top 3 hands down. I was close lol

  5. I still love watching top level Blights play. Shit is satisfying as fuck to me. He’s busted as hell, yes, but some people love to hate as if mastering everything that makes him that busted is a cakewalk when it isn’t.

    Not my absolute favorite killer to watch in general, because I’m biased to Dredge, Wraith, and Ghostface, but out of the ones frequently seen in top level I’d watch Blight over the others.

    To clarify, I don’t disagree that there are balance problems but yk, DBD moment.

  6. The fact that this is blight without his meanest perks and without his best add ons as well just says that this killer really does need a multitude of nerfs before he’s even balanced for a regular match

  7. Billy has add-ons that boost his movement speed but with longer charging. On the Blight's side, his movement speed-boosting add-ons have no downsides. I suggest adding a downside, perhaps a longer cooldown on his power, to balance these add-ons.

  8. I don't understand why killers haven't been universally buffed or something yet lol it doesnt make sense to me. I put so much time into playing killer when i played and it was so frustrating, then picked up survivor and it was easy. Add on top of that being able to play with friends and communicate. Killers just need an systematic change so balance does become possible for ss tier killers.


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