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NEW KILLER “The Knight” in Dead by Daylight!
Today we play the new killer in the PTB. The Knight update and new survivor too!
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otzdarva, no0b3
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Hubris Enduring Spirit Fury please!
The killer is so cool but if the survivors press W your power is ussless nah very bad killer
The Elden ring content we never knew we needed
Another "lovly" video, keep going mate
Who even plays this garbage after the perk tier update.. had all my killers 3rd prestige and it left my Demi at tier 1 😂 trassshh I wasted my life playing since day one
If ever I was skeptical about a knight in the game, they are all very definitely gone. Hope a vampire and a werewolf come next for the classics’ sake.
Best Mori ever I'd say 👌
spirit fury, enduring, hubris build gonna go crazy
Ah is this the For Honor hommage of DBD
Twins will be very upset when they meet this guy
Definitely cheesy🤦🏻🤦🏻how is this horror related #DeadByDevs
Im not got new update im install dbd on epic games but im font have new update
I feel like this would have made more sense with Legion because of the actual legion
Thanks for showing the Ability Description. It's one of those New Killers that you have to read and study their ability description to know what to do exactly. So, each Guard has their own unique ability that you must take advantage on and beware the order of which Guard you summon so you are not using the Assassin Guard to break objects otherwise that person is going to have a hard time in chasing down a survivor that plays this Killer like a Dredge or Twins by going from loop to loop, jungle gym to jungle gym. This is supposed to be another Killer that excels in Tracking and detection.
A better Legion
I've always wanted some sort of medieval stuff in dbd
Hubris + Enduring + Spirit Fury then maybe even brutal strength will work as the best loop ending build ever. You can happily walk into pallets without a care in the world & then just end it instantly.
این فیلم داره؟
The patrol guard: GET YO ASS BACK HERE!
The Knight looks straight up pulled from a souls game. Can’t wait to play this PTB.
This killer looks fucking sick, haven't played in a year but might reinstall the game when he drops
Hubris pronouced hue – bris. Nice gameplay as always.
If you were trying to pronouce hubris, its pronounced Hue-bris
Amazing killer, amazing power concept, amazing mechanics, the only problem is the counterplay: W