Speed Limiter Bubba Except the Survivors are Good Loopers – Dead by Daylight

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38 thoughts on “Speed Limiter Bubba Except the Survivors are Good Loopers – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Hey Scott, are you excited about Ringu coming to DBD ? They haven't fixed the other important issues that's in the game, but atleast we have another Licensed killer to distract us for awhile .

  2. I noticed that when Scott plays and the survivors are actually good is that he doesnt complain. He actually gives credit unlike most killers who will hit you on the hook for looping them.

  3. Every time I do speed limiter bubba I never notice the survs really acknowledging that I’m running a meme build. If it were me, which is never bc the killers I go against don’t run fun builds, I’d make an oath right then and there to touch a Gen as little as possible without completely throwing I mean it’s just such a rare, beautiful sight

  4. Man, I would love it if speedlimiter was just how bubba was. It's still insanely deadly to be able to down a survivor that fast, but way more fun of an interaction between the killer and survivor.

  5. Scott, about your sinus issue…

    If you’re a shoulder sleeper (like me) you most likely preferred one shoulder over the other. Then you moved, and that flipped. It took me a year and a half to realize this, but it matters.

    I used to sleep on my right shoulder every night. Then I moved, and didn’t notice I slept on my left. It caused weird half nostril problems that persisted all day.

    I thought the solution was to keep sleeping on my left shoulder, because that would normally free my left (edit: right*) nostril. And that’s true! Except it’s not when sleeping overnight.

    To free up the nostril you want, you have to sleep on that nostril sided shoulder. Then, when you wake up, roll over for a couple minutes.

    You’re good to go.

    (Just my experience, and want to try and pass this info on hope it works)

  6. Tunneling and camping are just bad. If you do it and 4K, you didn't learn anything. Gained no experience. So you keep doing it until MMR puts you with good players. They stomp you because you aren't used to that playstyle. So MMR drops you back down again. Same with NOED. Crushes average survivors but rarely helps against sweat squads.


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