Learning to Condemn… With No Add-Ons | Dead by Daylight Sadako Main

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We’re slowly teaching ourselves a more… ‘advanced’ Sadako tactic, let’s say. This is hard to pull off and for now I can’t get it to work on every map, but with the right build, I actually like this better than slugging a lot with ring drawing. Hope you enjoy!

background music:
“May Your Day be Cozy” by Daystar
“Hanging Lanterns” by Kalaido
“303PM” by Sharou
“Casette Tape Dream” by Sharou
“Kami” by Kalaido
“Ramen Shop” by Kalaido


46 thoughts on “Learning to Condemn… With No Add-Ons | Dead by Daylight Sadako Main”

  1. Instead of BBQ and Darkness, thought it might take some guesswork at the start of the match as per is the norm, maybe taking an aggressive hex perk like Ruin (One that makes them want to cleanse totems. Plaything, Devour Hope, Blood Favor, or Lullaby) with Hex: Retribution might work out better. They'll dig their own graves by not only hiding your terror radius for the intrusive survivor, but also revealing the whole team for the longest period of any perk in the game. Since they're Hex perks they require no effort on your part to use, but it could be a bit more of a gamble then you might be looking for. Just a suggestion from one avid Onryo to another.

  2. I think a potential buff for Sadako is for her projection to turn off TVs for survivors, but not to herself, forcing survivors to pick and choose which TVs to turn off and condemn themselves and allowing her to double down as a macro killer, kinda like Pinhead.
    And Ring Drawing should be basekit, with more addons changing how her manifesting works, like the mirror, clump of hair etc.

  3. Aww!!! This was super amazing I so respect what you did at the end so much 🐽💕 super chill and relaxing video.
    Loved the hatch moment made me laugh.
    Thank you for an amazing video stayed up late to watch this! 👁️👑💕

  4. As a Dredge main, I find the combo of BBQ and Darkness Revealed very good on Dredge, so it's nice to see a Sadako using them! From one teleporting killer to another <3

  5. It's super interesting to see what kind of stuff you gotta do to make condemned work like that.. Sadako looks really fun though, I might actually have to try her even though I don't play much killer anymore

  6. Genuinely loved this video. I love seeing people play Saddako, I loved how chill and spooky the vibe was with the music, I love your personality that comes off via text, I loved how it was informative but engaging. Genuinely, such a great job

  7. This was absolutely incredible! Fantastic video from our favorite April Ghostie. Always love the vibes in your videos, once they're finished I always get that melancholic feeling that it's over. Not in a bad way though cause it has me looking forward to the next videos and keeps me coming back to continue rewatching. 😁💙

  8. Hey man, gotta say that I really like your work. I love so much Sadako's design and I really like your strats to make her a more viable killer. Definitely helping me learn :). By the way, what is another build that you would recomend for Sadako?

  9. You absolute fucking mad lad lol Great stuff!

    Ive been testing this out as well, just to see if it's possible. But Damn, shit's hard. Ive only been able to get a single person fully condemned but havent Mori anybody.

    They really need to rework her teleports. Ive noticed that they can put the tape in even when the TV is turned off. Which, idk if it resets the timer, but it feels like it takes longer to turn on if they do that.

  10. Hey April, great video as always. Really enjoying the exploration of different Sadako ideas/techniques. I like how this strat isn't a cheese strat, it still takes effort to pull off.

    Maps with verticality def give this strat an advantage given the condemnation range is much similar to that of a boon, it's like a 16m spherical shape around the TV.

  11. You know I get condemned kills since I start to watch your amazing sadako. I main her since the release but I've played her like a standart M1 killer with teleportation. Always thought that condemned mechanic is just useless. But you opened my eyes. Thank you so much. You got a new sub <3

  12. I really like longer videos like these- they make me feel as if I'm there with you. I love reading your thoughts as you play the entire match !!

  13. What a game! I've always wanted to condemn many survivors as possible but never tried this strategy before. Also darkness on Sadako works wery well too
    Thanks for the educative video April you're awesome 🤗🤗❤️👁️

  14. Such a great series and video on Sadako. So proud of ppl maining her even though shes apparently ''low tier, one of the worst killers'' lol. I have been learning a lot from these vids and I also have been trying the newly buffed knockout on her with Ring drawing. Keep killing April!

  15. I've started playing Sadako when she released and totally released that her chase mechanic is one of the most unique chase powers. I don't think people people realise that when you start a chase the chase is to not only down them but you want to purposely take pallets to make them run to loops that contain tvs and hooking with Onryō is by far more of her weaker thing to do because of the potential of them having BT/OTR/DH where you want to drop them to TVs as your hooks. Granted her chase is considerably weak but the point is to chase them to death! Perks that I have found incredibly useful for her are DeathBound/DeadLock/Remember Me/Brutal Strength. People want also don't realise how strong she is in big maps. Erye of Crows and Haddonfield is incredibly strong as tvs are far and can guarntee 2 condemneds. Lastly I think her weakest addon for Condemed is the iri funny right? I think it creates a bad type of slugging style as once they find out you tend to try and go all over making you loose track. My favorite combo is the stone and the cabin sign and second is Purple addon with ring addon. Sorry for that yapping I just wanted to express as I enjoy her very much and I consider her high B to almost A considering the dominio effect she has as people become extremely protective to save the survivor when they become condemned.

  16. Making me want to return to grinding Sadako. Very nice oreo gameplay. I've only played one or two games with her since the latest patch, and I have to say it was a much more pleasant experience not losing a gen before my first down. Mostly it was nice not having to worry about spine chill. And I think the 2 free STBFL stacks just barely stopped a dwight from returning his tape in my face.

  17. I managed to get 1 condemn mori out of this build and worrying other survivors (though they ended up dying to hooks). It's tough as heck on outdoor maps, for sure. But, your ideas and methods for playing Sadako are really fun to try. I'm enjoying her more since watching your videos.

  18. I have recently revisited onryo since i found your channel and saw she can actually hold up quite good in the right hands. Do the tv need to be turned on for a survivor to take a tape or can they do it while its turned off aswell?

  19. And others say sadako not good well if u can't play her correctly yea like I literally witnessed u condemning without add-ons 😱😱😱😱 and rpd is the best map for her I can see why zarina lucky she been spared but u must kill kill kill kill or condemn condemn condemn condemn evil laugh no gates no hatch for them 😈😈😈😈

  20. Amazing!

    So fun to see you coming up with this big brain plays and builds.
    I’ve also been lurking around alot on the discord. I’m glad Sadako mains now have a haven to hang out at.

    Looking forward to your next video and I’m stoked to see yr channel keeps growing <3


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