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And This Video I Guess –
#FNAF #FiveNightsatFreddys #Gmod #GarrysMod
Hey xman wheres springtrap in gta
xman should've used one of the abandoned fnaf maps like the fnaf 2 or 1 or 3
"I blame Chica, Aaaaaaaaaaah"
Do pt2
Bonie is died?
When springtrap got foxy I was ready to pull out a shotgun and say “C’MERE SPRINGY!!”
I love your videos
I haven’t seen 1 minute yet and I love the vid!!!!
all of his voices are good exept springtrap
Dead by day light again but with the other animatronics
What happened to spring trap in los santos
Hey xman in the series golden freddy and the sexy foxy which map did you use??????
Pro 🙂
The map looks really cool I wonder what its called and this vid has to be a solid 10!!
It wasnt Chica's Fault That freddy died. It was his fault really.
Springtrap Is Now Evil Oh No!!!
Our Savior has made enough to find that we always wanted
Will Freddy and Bonnie come back
Foxy should have said yar you can't kill me i have a gf and a kid
I love your channel I've been watching you ever since I was six and now I am 14 I want to say to keep up the good content that you have been doing I really love watching your videos everytime I watch a video they bring me to a world of Joy
Xman: Im a nice person
Also Xman: Throws FNaF Animatronic regdolls everywhere
I haven't watched the whole thing I've only watched like a quarter The 1st 15 minutes of it I hope Freddie and foxy survive And I guess Bonnie and maybe Chica, like I said I don't know what happens I only know that Freddy Bonnie Foxy and Chico And Spring trap In this so far I don't know if the toy Animatronics are in this yet.
Knew that freddy and bonnie where already gonna die lol
The map
cmon xman why cant you link the maps you use.
Could you have the link to the map in the desc so other people can do the same thing and also awesome video especially the acting that was awesome
part 2 revenge baby springtrap returns super golden freddy
this is dead by daylight ha ha ha ha ha ha one thing I love your channel X-Men 723 I can go on your guitar so I can’t respond to messages that you give me which is just videos any other Youtubers I can’t respond to them because I have other uses in my father my fucking father just won’t let me spend my time at the
Do a part 2 with FNAF 2 and purple guy
Dude you were my child hood thank you for evereything
It I feel like every video I watch Bonnie and chica get bullied
oh no freddy has died
Whisper : should I talk? Narrator: yes me : okay na hi xman 723 how are you? I haven't watched your videos in a long time, but it's best that you haven't disappeared from youtube!.. But let's get to the point. I'm only 8 years old and I really like your videos!
I'm sorry about that fat bear. I'm sorry about that fat bear 👆🏻😔
Afton stop helps yourself
Freddy – Jump
It's not bad! Well done, though.
i wanna see fnaf in squid game
Yaaaay pls do another one
Noooo Bonnie
lol funny keep the good work up and let toy freddy know i captured mr.hugs and he is in…
Where's chicas eyebrow??