Best Of UncleStanBana 2022 | Dead by Daylight

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Thank you everyone for an amazing 2022 with Dead by Daylight. We got lots of new clips featuring good Billy plays, some nice survivor clips, and a bunch of hilarious moments the game provided to me. I will also add, I’ve been sent down the hole way too many times this year 🙂

All of my content comes from my Twitch streams. Watch me live here –




10 thoughts on “Best Of UncleStanBana 2022 | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Hey Unclestanbana!
    Okay, I have to share this with you:
    So I've been playing Billy for the past week and a bit (my build is brutal strength, sloppy butcher, nurses and whispers + heavy clutch/dad's boots) and it's only because of you!

    I learned billy is actually good at tunnelling because you can down someone, go to the other side of the map, and with this build get them again. I have literally no experience at curves though and from what I can see it's not exactly necessary (curves can yield faster downs, but you can still win if you can't curve loops like me by using M1).


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