Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Thank you everyone for an amazing 2022 with Dead by Daylight. We got lots of new clips featuring good Billy plays, some nice survivor clips, and a bunch of hilarious moments the game provided to me. I will also add, I’ve been sent down the hole way too many times this year 🙂
All of my content comes from my Twitch streams. Watch me live here –
Hey Unclestanbana!
Okay, I have to share this with you:
So I've been playing Billy for the past week and a bit (my build is brutal strength, sloppy butcher, nurses and whispers + heavy clutch/dad's boots) and it's only because of you!
I learned billy is actually good at tunnelling because you can down someone, go to the other side of the map, and with this build get them again. I have literally no experience at curves though and from what I can see it's not exactly necessary (curves can yield faster downs, but you can still win if you can't curve loops like me by using M1).
Anybody remember the old hillbilly glitch where you would fly in the air 😭😭
still the strongest billy,and funniest
Loving the last clip, but I feel it's missing a few seconds leading up to it :3
Ayy best billy content on the platform!
Couldn't catch the recent streams but I've been loving the videos, keep it up Stan ❤❤
Worth my sub that's for suuuuuure
Thank you for another great year, unkostan!
I love how you just stare at the wall in shock after holing yourself lmao, loved the compilation 🙂
You have to dc after holing yourself smh
I liked the part where you holed the killer