BHVR CONFIRM NFT INVOLVEMENT! What Is Happening?! – Dead by Daylight

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Well, this is a strange turn of events. Just 4 days ago BHVR made it seem like they had no involvement whatsoever with the Boss Protocol/Park Avenue Hellraiser NFT.. Now they’re confirming they were a major part of it all along. Let’s do our best to break it down.

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Music Used:
Dead by Daylight Metal Cover – Thunder Scott –
“Tainted (Instrumental Version)” by Red Revision

#IntoTheFog #dbd #hellraiser


28 thoughts on “BHVR CONFIRM NFT INVOLVEMENT! What Is Happening?! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I just want to say, I told you all so, and everything I got was insults here. Same as on reddit and everywhere else. I'm not happy that I was right, but it's BHVR we're talking about. I told you.

  2. from what I've learned in the past 24 hours I think even if dbd associated with nfts or whatever it won't get taken down, 1) because I assume they can cancel the agreement even tho they'll loose pinhead and 2) from what I've read about steam banning games as such, dbd didn't really say they are doing those things

    just my opinion but I will be Hella mad if I loose my in-game progress

  3. I think the NFT scammers have BHVR at gun point when it comes to the Pinhead chapter. That's why they can't speak up why they had to remove the voiceline and have to align themselves with them

  4. I've got some thoughts on this, so bare with me.

    – Steam is removing games that involve mining for and/or trading crypto/NFTs WITHIN the game. DBD does not do this, therefore DBD is not subject to removal. The NFT transaction is completely third party, and Steam doesn't care how you get the key, they just don't want the datamining ON their platform. Which is entirely fair. But if they had an issue with how players get Steam Keys, they'd put a kabash on people giving away keys, or on third party sites that are selling keys. They don't do that. So I don't fear DBD being removed from Steam.

    – I think BHVR got sucked into stuff they couldn't back out of after the contracts were made. We have no idea if this NFT business was part of their initial contract, so I won't speculate on that, but regardless: Park Avenue is the one at fault here. They took the character assets (which BHVR gives to all their license holders, and which Park is legally allowed to use) and did something really shitty with it. BHVR probably couldn't tell them not to, because there's nothing wrong with it (legally) and telling them such could have had the potential to break contract (if such a thing was signed upon).

    – Overall, the Tweet they released about working with Park and Boss on the NFTs feels REALLY forced. Scripted, almost. It's nothing like how they "voice" their normal tweets. I honestly think that they were required (read: forced) to post this on Park's behalf to get traction to it. Also note: Them posting the tweet does NOT mean they immediately support or agree with what's going on. For all we know, the statement that BHVR had been working with them for "months" could be a bold-faced lie.

    – Is it possible the higher ups at BHVR DID make a deal with Park and Boss about making NFTs? I suppose. But if that's the case, the higher ups are to blame. Unfortunately a lot of Devs and the social media team have been getting the brunt of the backlash and that's completely unfair. They're not the ones who did it, they just make the game. If their bosses told them "Hey we've gotta do this", Devs don't often have a whole lot of say. That doesn't make it right, but I hope people step off the Devs for a hot minute.

    – People threaten to quit the game all the time and it never accomplishes anything. So I'd personally attribute that to the immediate "burn BHVR" rage that was going on via various social channels. People are allowed to be upset about it (I certainly am), but let's be honest: The DBD community has a very bad habit of taking things to the extremes. Frankly this can be a very toxic community at times. If people don't want to support BHVR by purchasing, fine, that's up to them. But calling for the downfall of the game is childish.

    I'm upset about the NFTs, but overall I'm more upset with Park Avenue for making a really grimy last-ditch attempt at getting money before they're forced to relinquish the rights to Clive in December. It puts them in a very bad light. As far as I'm concerned, BHVR is far less at fault. Doesn't make it okay by any means but I'm still gonna buy the new Surv and enjoy the rifts/events/content they continue to provide for us.

  5. At this point they shouldn't have done the deal with park avenue and the hellraiser dlc,they should have make the deal with universal and Dan Mancini to make the Chucky Dlc, Dan would love to put Chucky in this game!

  6. can't wait until we don't have to worry about Park Avenue, they're such a shit company and are probably pulling all these strings with behavior in a last ditch attempt to make a little bit more money off of hellraiser and are mad that no one likes NFTs.

  7. I’ve thought this a lot before but I’m starting to think this is the beginning of the end of dead by daylight. I’d say PC players make up quite a lot of this game’s player base. If this game is removed from steam, that’s a lot of players gone. From that big player loss, it’d be a ticket to bankruptcy really quick.

  8. Let me put this into perspective, I don't understand why people watch streamers play games. I don't understand why they give you money like a cheap camgirls from the 90s. I don't understand why they don't just play the game themselves… but a you know what they say about a fool and their money. Also if you think nfts are "bad for the environment" then put your money where you mouth is. Stop playing stop streaming it.

  9. It’s honestly heartbreaking to see such and amazing and creative game being run by such a company. The game would be amazing, and even now can be a lot of fun, but it seems bhvr just sees it as a cash grab unfortunately.

  10. I'm not sure if my knowledge is correct but aren't NFTs similar to DLSs ?
    Because like from my understanding both of them are things like keys that unlock content in game for you.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.


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