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29 thoughts on “SEXEH GRAB WITH THE DREDGE! Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. Theres no strategy to the lockers.
    You see a locker you lock it because the time used is negligible.
    And this is early days, it'll probably get to the point whenever he teleports you'll lose the chase or at the very least give them a free sprint burst.
    Because they can hear where you are when you go to a locker adding another 10 to 15 seconds to the chase not counting the locks.
    This killer is going to age so poorly without any buffs.

  2. Tru idk if you saw this yet but the devs confirmed on the forums that nightfall is bugged as is the white glow the dredge has. it's all supposed to be way darker with less visibility for survivors.

  3. No kills, new killer. Usually new killers are kind of powerful and later gets their downgrades… nowadays killers on release start like baby-killers and survs are all bullies to them! Poor baby killer. 😀

  4. I think the current lock system is boring and honestly quite jarring for the killer at least at the start of the match. Would be more interesting if all survivors had only 1-3 but the locks would be more impactful (killer would be considerably more slower to come out? Or if you only had 1 it would completely make it so that the killer can't get out) and would require more strategy. Would create cooler add-ons too, for example give the survivors an extra lock but your teleport is massively faster or something along those lines. Anything to make it more engaging for both parties and not so boring

  5. Just imagine how annoyed us average / above average killers are in the current state. You are in the elite, it's craft how much pressure and gens you can lose by having one long chase.


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