Why Predator Should Be a Killer in Dead by Daylight

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This video overview the Predator new killer potential for Dead by Daylight. A lot of people think Predator will be Chapter 30 as the new killer in DBD so it’s time to talk about what new killer power could come in with a Predator chapter.

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28 thoughts on “Why Predator Should Be a Killer in Dead by Daylight”

  1. I was thinking that survivors who cover themselves in mud would have just mud splatter on their bodies in a similar pattern to Nemesis’s blue virus juice we see on infected survivors.

    It’s not blackface. Just some people covering their chests and legs with mud.

  2. Unfortunately there’s way to much that dbd just isn’t coded for in this power idea, they would have to rewrite an insane amount of code to allow for a killer to climb tiles, not to mention indoor maps would be virtually unplayable if you power relied on that

  3. I am always impressed by how effortlessly are westerners able to invent opportunities to be offended about something. I realize you grow up with steady doses of white guilt but the rest of the world didn't so please be so kind to control yourself enough not to tell us camouflage is racist.

  4. The mud doesnt have to perfectly cover the entire body. It could be slushed around the movie with noticeable exposed area like how Arnold ended up like at the end of the movie

  5. there's no way anyone looks at someone covering themselves in mud to survive a killer and mentions a 100 year old concept like blackface… wtf? really? Did you come up with that on your own or did someone mention that while writing your script? I'm genuinely curious because i was loving the idea until that mental flashbang of silliness. Blackface is a long dead markup trend only mentioned in satire or theater considering its not covering your self in black makeup alone, but pretending to be African-whatever as well.

  6. You're missing one crucial fact. The Predator doesn't hunt unarmed targets. Without any sort of weapon in possession of their target, they won't proceed to eliminate their prey. Sport hunters won't kill defenseless prey; as there isn't any honor or achievement to be found in the kill. This is mentioned in Predator: Hunting Ground's Dutch tapes. This is why The Predator is a terrible choice for a future killer in DBD.

  7. As always the amount of effort and research you put into these videos is amazing. The edits you did for it is great as well showing how much you you put into the video. I love the idea of the power it would make for some unique gameplay. I personally dont think it would be considered blackface because it isnt you pretending to be black its you trying to survive and use tactics best suited for it, fortnite did something related to this where people can go into mud and hide from thermal dmrs making it harder to use the gun. Also the map idea you had is pretty neat as well its pretty cool that you thought of a day a night cycle I feel most people would love that idea.

  8. I beg you to make one of these for chucky

    Hell if its too hard you could have a duo twins type thing with him and his human wife Tiffany

    I just am sick of people who shut down chucky as an idea immediately

  9. Mud=blackface. It could be clay–which could be grey or sandy colored.
    What bothers me about Predator is that it only hunt and kill prey that are dangerous, that could kill the predator. Survivors are not that. The Entity would need to force the predator to go against that.

  10. i think all that is good except he shouldnt be able to climb jungle gyms and surfaces, and instead should be able to see the heat signatures of all living things within say 48m while invisible

  11. Next chapter theory:

    Killer: Predator
    Skins: Legendary for Alien PreAlien. Legendary for Ellen "Dutch"
    Map: Nothing new, but change to existing one similiar to shelter woods.

    Makes too much sense for me


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