BHVR is adding Bots to Dead by Daylight

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BHVR is adding Bots to Dead by Daylight | Developer Update October 2022

0:00 – BHVR’s Tweet
0:07 – Bots in DBD
0:43 – Bot Feature Limitations
0:51 – Visual Updates
1:01 – Flashlight Adjustments
1:21 – Locker Blind Immunity
1:39 – Flashlight Save Buffer
2:21 – Team Based Ratings
3:19 – MMR Decay & Extended Breaks
3:44 – Update on Cheating
4:52 – Temporary Bans
5:26 – Dev Update Overview
5:55 – Outro


34 thoughts on “BHVR is adding Bots to Dead by Daylight”

  1. Something that completely frustrates me is that, in my opinion, the developers need to focus less on the same stuff like changing some numbers, changing how the pallets look (again) and focus on improving the overall look and environment of the game. The immersion factor is not there anymore, the basic maps look like crap especially in our era of new gen consoles and great graphics of current games. Heck, make dbd 2.

  2. Im happy i dont need to play against swf anymore i can just go in custom and play the game with all perk and be over with the grind as a bonus best update ever

  3. Just subbed, rlly great content, think you should do a series about you playing more and more with the build that you used to try and lose the killer, just a short series like 7 or 6 videos

  4. I think this custom match update is kinda close to what I was asking about when they sent out the questionnaire a while back, except mine asked for altering the kill the bots practice mode to pick different killers

  5. I'm so happy with the flashlight timing change. It helps not only survivors who are new to the game and are unfamiliar to the timing but those who know the timing but due to some circumstances were just a tad bit off

    I can't even count how many times we were having a stressful match and the killer is dead set on killing the weakest link and I'm running after them with a flashlight trying to keep up… They're downed and the killer doesn't even check around them, just immediately picks them up… But the distance and stress gets in the way of me actually remembering the flashlight timing and they end up dying on the shoulders of a too-early blinded killer

  6. It would be really neat if the bots could be used so when a survivor DCs from the game, a bot takes over their player character. I know it might not be AS good as a real player, but it's way better than nothing

  7. Me, a person that has been just a bit too early on every single flashlight save I've ever attempted: happy baby survivor noises 🙂
    The extended break would've been nice a few days ago when I came back into the game to get absolutely hammered…
    Huge update, I remember all the slander Bhvr got for not even addressing the cheater problem but hopefully this can finally put a stop to their rampage

  8. im gonna be honest, i have about 1000 hours in the game for about 2 yrs now and i still don't really have flashlight saves even remotely down. im glad theyre making it a little more easy cause id be more wanting to learn more.

  9. I wonder if "Toxicity has no place in our game" as the devs mentioned, so that means starting from the patch 6.4.0 I can report a player because of t-bagging and so on?


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