BHVR just did WHAT!? | Dead by Daylight

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I can’t believe BHVR just nerfed Mettle of Man and brought back the annoying Pain Resonance & DMS combination.
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21 thoughts on “BHVR just did WHAT!? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. i’m genuinely surprised they managed to nerf MoM, may my favorite perk rest in piece

    and as someone who has been maining MoM for over a year now, it is a complete butchering of the perk

  2. 30 sec is still deadlock duration and deadlock is good but devs are doing now questionable things. It looks more they were smoking several rounds of weed while sitting and thinking about balancing.

  3. thanatophobia should be reworked to 10% penalty to every hooked survivor so every killer would be able to use it. also, I would add a new effect: when you hook a survivor, injured survivors scream and reveal their location for 3 seconds (I mean, the perk means fear of death, so they should get scared to see another survivor being hooked)

  4. A better way to do this would've been starting low and slowly increasing per person.
    What I mean by this is only have 4% at one person, then increase it by 5% for two, 6% for three and make the final person increase the slowsown by an additional 7%.
    It still reaches 22% at all 4, and healing can still counter it and won't absolutely destroy it

  5. and u can still have a slug build with blight+ring and nurse with range etc to make this toxic perk viable. devs dont plan to balance the game, they stated that they want the killers to be unstoppable force. pff, those devs sound like amatures

  6. Another content creator not thinking critically about the thana change. It’s so incredible easy for one person to heal. Please think more before rushing a video out.

  7. So they changed Pain Resonance because it could proc during Merciless Storm. But what about for example Jolt/Eruption. If you down a survivor during Merciless Storm with these perks on, wouldn't it have the exact same result?

  8. I would say they should keep Thana at 5% per Survivor, but it only applies to injured Survivors.

    That way, even if One Survivor gets injured, not the whole Team gets punished for it.

    Or make it something like 2% everytime you get injured until you're fully healed and cap it out at 20%.

    And make it only individual for each Survivor.

  9. Not only is the perk worse because of only 1 survivor healing in legion and plagues case but…the moment one survivor dies, the perk is pretty much useless from that point on.

  10. I like the Thanatophobia Choy proposed. Working like an anti-Prove Thyself for several team actions.

    Every time an injured survivor is close to a teammate the extra (3?)% of the debuff appears, on top of the 2% global debuff. A true Fear of Death.

    If the whole team is grouped up the 12% debuff applies.

    Avoiding the "all team injured" bs that only benefits those 2 killers.


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