BHVR MADE NFTS! DBD banned on Steam? – Dead by Daylight

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Dead by Daylight at risk of being banned on Steam after BHVR works with Boss Protocol creating NFTS featuring in-game DBD models of Pinhead & Hellraiser chapter codes

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41 thoughts on “BHVR MADE NFTS! DBD banned on Steam? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. CORRECTION: The enviromental impact of NFTs come from the transactional process (PROVE OF WORK) rather than the mining. For example one NFT transaction utilised more energy than the average household does in a day. Etherum is working to make their transactional process Carbon Neutral but that is currently not the case. BHVR are 100% complict in this deal, they specifcially made the models to be used as NFTs, and this is probably why we no longer have Pinhead's voice lines (as they're also being sold as NFTs).

  2. BHVR's model of Pinhead was sold off to boss protocol to make NFTs, but BHVR confirmed that they will never be using NFT's for profit in DBD. NFT's will not be inside DBD or be being added. Steam is banning the games that do that, which is why I believe we haven't heard about DBD and Steam problems just yet. This is also an issue with BHVR's CEO and head of the company and stuff. Not the developers of DBD, or the game itself. Cote for example had no idea, the dude who just left had no idea that what they were making was to be used as an NFT. BHVR have done a huge mess up here. I feel bad for the devs that they didn't know about it, but BHVR is all to blame here, it wouldn't surprise me if DBD is officially going to die in the next month.

  3. To be upset for BHVR for doing NFTs with the environmental angle is to say the least idiotic. Especially when sitting in a nice heated appartment and potentially driving a car while using plastic in your life.

    Now, to be upset about them doing NFTs which might cause the game to be scrubbed from Steam, that is a legit reason to be upset.

  4. yes it requires a lot of energy but did you know that more than 50% of the energy used to this kind of task are clean energy? like solar panels and wind energy? did you know that? and let me tell you another fact it also incentivizes the market of clean energy since if you have solar energy or wind energy you basically has infinite energy, that is one of the reasons Elon Musk is back with criptos he thought that it could be bad for the environment but then he studied just a lit bit and now tesla accepts criptos once again. And even if it was pretty bad for the eviroment what is the fuckin problem? all of you pro'bly 90% of you guys also consumes plastic so it literally doesn't fucking matter.

  5. Don’t worry I’m sure they’ll give us free blood points as compensation.

    Edit: Wait a minute, didn’t they give us a code for 201,101 blood points around the time they posted this tweet. 🤦‍♂️

  6. I respect your decision for me it is way easier to get out of dbd as my livelyhood doesn't depend on it. I wish all CCs that they are able to get ouf ot the trap that is DBD, keep their livelihood and even grow further. You guys deserve it.

  7. I find it so strange bringing up the environmental problems of NFTs. Do you know that basically every aspect of our modern lives have great impacts on the environment? Bringing the environmental aspect of NFTs to the question is like bringing the environmental problems of simply owning a computer or the environmental problems of buying foods wrapped in plastic.

    I think there are a lot of problems with NFTs and I also care for the environment. But if I was to fight for the environment that would be the last place I would look and if I would fight against NFTs that would be just the last point I would make.

  8. It's sad but such is the way of companies, the only company i can really think of not to give over to corporate is Valve with TF2, they denied so many offers to buy Valve and TF2 as a game because they knew it would be destroyed by corporate, of course the game isnt perfect, but its still TF2, its not TF2-Rise of the Fortnite gladiators part 4, sadly BHVR are starting to slip, dont become the next EA, please for our sake.

  9. The audacity of them dropping a code for bloodpoints after this whole thing … lol. Idk I just cannot support BHVR anymore after this. I'm glad I'm not as fixated on the game as I use to be bc it really was one of my favorite games of all time and now..

  10. Wanna know something even more fucked up? The actual modelers, the people who made the goddamn models, weren't told they were going to be sold as NFTs. They were completely left in the dark

  11. I feel like saying "Behavior made NFTs" is wrong, they made the models, but Park Avenue and Boss Protocol are who made the NFTs, if BHVR didnt provide the models to Pinhead, Park Avenue would have commissioned someone else to make the models for the NFTs instead.

    Am I defending NFTs? No, I hate NFTs, I think they are fucking stupid, but again, saying that BHVR made NFTs is wrong, blame Park Avenue mostly, since they are the copyright holders of Hellraiser and wanted to release NFTs before they lose ownership over the Hellraiser IP to make as most money as possible. However, BHVR publicly endorsing NFTs I will hate, but part of me thinks that Park Avenue held them at gunpoint to do this.

  12. I quit playing DbD just on the fact they continue to add more satanic and occult symbolism. Witch update did it in for me. Bye, not gonna miss this garbage game, I'm actually much happier that I quit playing it, y'all should join me!

  13. Wait so like BHVR essentially mined some NFTs attached like the DLCs or whatever and are now selling them? Or are they putting NFTs with the DLC stuff out there too BE mined? I’m still a little confused on how they work

  14. You gotta be a huge idiot to think bhvr, cares about their games quality and longevity…. over the money it makes… the gameplay of dbd is so bland and dry. players with over 1000 hours quit the game in mass… bugs glitches from day 1 dbd still exist today…

    The balance is trash, the hacking is a massive issue…. I've played this game for 4000 hours and I cant even play anymore and have fun because every match is scripted for me now because I can tell everything that will happen and when… the games a repetitive fuck fest at high levels… and bhvr hasn't addressed or fixed any of these issues… and they are very old problems this game was built with… every patch… is more paid content that isn't even that good… the new killer or the new survivor and their Perks are often trash and not worth the money… however because of license characters people open their wallets in mass to play as pinhead or whatever you wanna put as an example.

    Dbd makes money… im serious yall wanna know something? Dbd has coding chains to make the entirety of the games content and possibilities… and it has less chains of code…. than tetris… and people play dbd thinking it'll ever function correctly without a costly but definitely needed game reconstruction on a new foundation with actual skilled coders doing the programming


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