BHVR… say sike right now… | Dead by Daylight

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So recently our pal @hydrodictyonEN informed me that the devs have finally confirmed that the new plague “bug” is actually an intended feature; the Plague will now lose her power after being stunned by almost any means. Plague not losing her power to other stuns was actually bug for FIVE YEARS, it turns out. This video analyzes this baffling revelation and showcases a build that helps to ignore this new weakness.

0:00 Context
3:42 Build Explained
4:38 Plague Gameplay

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36 thoughts on “BHVR… say sike right now… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Nah makes sense to me, Head On always seemed like it should remove her power considering its harder/riskier than a pallet stun, and its still hitting her like a pallet hits her. D-strike and blast mine are a bit much

  2. Problem will be huge when face SWF which wont cleanse. You becoming M1 killer and most likly lose the game, I think they should add haste after yours power is off with no pools left until sombody cleanse again.

  3. bhvr needs to learn that just because its a bug or unintended doesn't mean its bad.

    "it is a bug, therefore we have to remove it as a matter of principle" is a really bad way to look at things. anyone who looked out this for just a second would realize that is was perfectly fine. it should have become a feature, not removed

  4. Yeah no I'm calling bullshit on the bug thing, no way it was a bug and they fucking know it. They are making this change out of no where and using that as a shitty excuse so they don't have to give an actual reason since there is no good one for this change.

  5. think this probably affects the top percentage of the playerbase, while making life better for the rest of us. Plague with power means a 4k in almost every game I play. Skill issue or whatever, doesnt change the fact that you need to balance the game in a way that makes it grow and catering to the top tier best players isnt that.

  6. When a developer announces that a nerf they just did is actually just a bug that has been there for 5 years just they never bothered to fix it….thats code speak for "We just wanted to change it and dont have an excuse" btw. Its not the first ive seen it happen.

  7. Even BHVR doesn't know what BHVR is doing. Every one of their excuses seems like a child caught, "oh no, we didn't break a character and make a bad change, we were… Fixing a bug! Yeah, that's it! This is how the character was supposed to be all these years."

  8. As someone who is both not great at the game and had plague as my secondary i can tell you this change is definitely still going to negatively effect my experience. And that's even taking into account that i almost never directly grab the power, my playstyle is built around that.

  9. Gonna make a wild guess and say this was a backend change to how stuns are classed in the game to stop fringe issues, which happened to make Plague lose power to every stun.

  10. Otz, as a Plague main all I can say is, this barely scratches the surface of her bugs, for example the random invisible walls in the air on some maps


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