BHVR's Scary Precedent | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #commentary #rant

0:00 Intro
1:09 Title Card
1:13 Opening Thoughts
1:58 Houndmaster’s Knotted Rope Addon
2:28 Chucky’s Random Slice N Dice Nerf
3:22 “We’ll fix it later, don’t worry!” Mentality
3:50 The Twins “We’ll fix it later!” FAILED
6:18 Mob Mentality Balancing
7:38 Two Main Lessons
8:40 Closing Thoughts
9:00 Outro

On this episode of our Dead by Daylight commentary series, we talk about how BHVR’s new “kick the can down the road” mentality when it comes to balancing is potentially harmful!

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►Video Song: White Bat Audio – Mantra
►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring

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31 thoughts on “BHVR's Scary Precedent | Dead by Daylight”

  1. It just sucks that there are people who put hundreds of thousands of hours into a character, know all of the little detals about the character, are able to understand the problems with their characters, and suggest ways that said charater could be changed to be better for everyone…

    And yet those people seem to never be listened to or even considered when making changes to those charaters.

  2. Well, I think that most of the people who are happy with Chucky nerfs are survivor mains, so they don't have to worry about their killer getting gutted 😂
    I was playing almost only Chucky since his release, I've put probably over 1k hours and over 150 milion BP into him and at this point I'm not even mad, I'm just sad, killer that I love got shoot in the back of his head out of nowhere, we didn't even get to test this shit on the PTB. Now playing him is absolutely painful to the point that I don't want to play this game anymore. I'm taking a break until midchapter, if they don't revert this then idk, I'm probably done with this game

  3. I remember when it happened to Knight with his rework. i was so upset he had gone from a decent killer to trash. So many ppl were happy about it claiming we dont need more s tier killers and that he is just boring to play against while i literally could not play the game due to how weak he was and that all my time and effort was wasted on learning him, and then he got some patches that helped bring him closer back to what he was with guards now being able to be switched on the fly which helps but he still feels weaker at times specially if you have perks like trail of torment which he no longer can protect this isnt even including the infinite guard window cheese that makes guards pointless on thier own…. even though that's part of his whole shtick

  4. My main issue was with the "fix it latter" mentality and them never actually addressing it. Also with this being the New balance philosophy. Something annoying? Nerf it into near useless and fix it later

    I never considered that, if they ever did get around to it, it'd be a bad change, like with the twins "rework"

  5. I disagree on chucky's stength. He is designed as a micro killer, BUT. His power, much like wesker's, can also be a mobility tool. Wesker is a lot faster at 14 M/s, the fastest "on foot" movement, with only killers like dredge , demo and xeno moving faster while using the mobility chunk of their power's.

    But chucky can go much further on some maps because of vaults effectively resetting the dash, which to my knowledge is the only killer power which gains power the more interconnected the map is, effectively counteracting the benefits survivor sided maps have (if you use it correctly)

    Because of this interconnectivity breeding mobility, Chucky is arguably the 3rd strongest killer in the game, which until his release 3rd was usually considered as spirit's placement.

  6. I'm glad someone is speaking about this, but it's been going on for years now. Release busted killer -> keep it that way for a few months, make sales -> nerf the character in clumsy ways under the pretense of game health. It's an incredibly frauduluent business scheme but no law exists to prevent it.

  7. i said the same thing when skull merchants first came out , now that survivors know they can just bully bhvr into gutting a killer into not being playable or barely playable since survivors are the mob because there's more of them then killers but now the flood gates have been open for them to do whatever if they complain enough instead of learning how to play and I'm worried for xeno and huntress and dracula

  8. First they came for Skull Merchant, and I said nothing, because I don't Main or like playing against Skull Merchant.

    Then, they came for Chucky, and I said nothing, because I don't Main or like playing against Chucky.

    Then they came for the Xenomorph and Dracula, and I said nothing because I do not main Xenomorph or Dracula.

    Eventually they will come for me, a Ghostface Main, and by that time there will be nobody left to speak up.

    "Oh but Phantom Ggostface is C tier, he's safe, they won't nerf him…" they could. Enough people whine about his Reveal mechanic being "too buggy" and they could overnerf that, making him lose his entire power.

    I fear for my boy. He needs buffs. I'm worried he'll get nerfs because he has a glitchy mechanic that mildly inconveniences players.

  9. I’ll be honest, I did kinda fall into this trap. When sm and chucky got nerfed, I didn’t really care, but now that xeno is threatened, I’m really worried that I won’t really enjoy the game anymore. So basically, push for changing for the better even if the better doesn’t affect you.

  10. First nerf was fair, second nerf was unnecessary imo I was actually caught off guard by that one. Before anyone throws a fit yes, the first nerf was fair. Chuckys power was too easy to use for the value you got out of it at the previous cooldown it was on lol.

    I will say this though, BHVR makes the most mindless buffs and nerfs that quite frankly don't make much sense half the time because they never address the issue at hand they just throw something at the wall and hope it sticks.

  11. I think BHVR should allow refunds for purchased cosmetics and also a blood point refund for a limited time if a character is reworked or tweaked it’s so unfair for people to invest money and time into a killer just for them to gutted out the blue 😵

  12. Yeah if they ever "nerfed" Huntress they'd give her 15 hatchets basekit, make the hatchets recharge on a 5 second cooldown, and remove half the lockers from the maps because "clearly no other killer needs lockers."

  13. They can buff the houndmaster as much as possible and she still will be trash cause of her dumbass dog. So many times I’ve had the dog outright disobey and refuse to charge forward. Have you ever had a player mechanic disobey the player? It’s maddening. Not only that but I’ve had the dog not even try to pull the survivor back towards me. It’s maddening

  14. The worst thing about them gutting certain killers/addons is that they always do the “well fix it later” mentality.
    And Billy took 4 years to fix. And Freddy has been in the gutter for like what 2-3 years? Yea the audacity they ask us to vote them for a labor of love award lol

  15. Can’t wait for that terrible Trickster rework to be reverted only for bhvr to do another terrible rework to him a few months later because survivors kept complaining that they can’t dodge trickster’s knives, aka something you were never supposed to be able to do against him in the first place.

  16. Bro…don't scare me so much with the thumbnail 😭 Would love to give Xeno a small Basekit buff (as example faster crawler mode outside of tunnels or that his tail miss slowdown isn't that much any more, I know he had that before but this is why I said just a little) like Demo recently got (2x).
    I have to agree BHVR could milk money out of us if they don't nerf characters to the ground. (me bought Tiffany before the very first nerf (it was in a special offer but still))


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