Blight Add-On Tier List | Dead By Daylight

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Songs used:
’90s Aesthetic’ prod. Yusei


32 thoughts on “Blight Add-On Tier List | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Iri Tag is definitely one of the best if not the best imo! It feels like it's basically 100% in your control whether you get value from it or not depending on how experienced you are with Blight but if you are it's insanely strong and makes most downs instadowns which as you said on a killer like Blight is absolutely INSANE!

  2. Lilit with Compound 33 is something!
    Although, Devs did an amazing job with Blight's add-ons!
    They are super strong, Blight's power is super strong!
    But at the same time – all this is NOT even close to be busted or overpowered.
    Probably the only killer which is perfectly balanced for both sides!

  3. 0:37 Blight tag Last | rush insta down {S}
    1:31 Compound 33 | can rush into breakable doors and walls (still get stunned) + other stuff {S}
    3:40 Alch ring | blight rush hits can insta recharge rushes {S}
    5:48 Vigos Journal | undetectable rushing {A}
    6:46 Soul Chemical | survivors in a 16 meter radius during a rush gets hard skill check {B}
    7:39 Summoning Stone | literally just Hex: Blood Favour {A}
    9:05 Blighted Crow | NYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM add-on {S}
    10:26 Umbra Salts | increased turn rate {C}
    12:48 ADRENALINE VIAL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? A TIER ?!?!?!!?!?!?!? | more rushes plus OG blight movement {A}
    16:26 Compound 21 | if survivor in 8 meter radius after a slam, u get wallhacks for 3.5 seconds {
    19:10 Rose Tonic | increase in slam duration {B}
    20:43 Blighted Rat | NYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM pt 2 electric boogaloo {A}
    21:13 Canker Thorn + Foxglove | reduced rush fatigue {C}
    22:53 Plague Bile | Rush turn rate increase {C}
    24:33 Pustula Dust | increased slam duration {C}
    25:52 Shredded Notes | Faster recharge rate for rushes, less rushes {D}
    27:46 Chipped Monocle | shows where blight will slam into {D}
    29:52 Compound 7 | auto faces nearest survivor in a 16 meter radius {D}
    31:10 Placebo Tablet | slower rush speed, but 100% bonus BP in deviousness category {D}

  4. People have slept on adrenaline vial for so long. It may limit your turn rate but that really doesn’t matter with a good Blight. You get an extra two rushes and your recharge time is so fast making the survivors get less distance. Pair it with compound or speed and it’s very much viable. On top of this it allows you to do some nice flicks. Adrenaline vial imo is A-S. Nice video Lilith.

  5. Yo Lilith! I've noticed this when using C-33, but are you supposed to go through a vial animation fatigue when rushing and breaking a pallet? I feel like it happens sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't. Is it a bug or is there just some rule I don't know about yet.

  6. You did an amazing job on this tier list man. I don't run any add-ons on my blight because idk how good will the add-on be or how helpful it could be, but now that I've seen this tier list, I'm gonna give some of these add-ons a try. I hope you had a love day man 😊

  7. "We ve identified that the Blight is massively underperforming, so we decided to make all S tier addons basekit. Enjoy"

    I cant belive they keep buffing Blight man😂🎉

  8. Idk about the fatigue decrease add ons, because I have used them lately, and to me it felt like they didn't even decrease the fatigue when you missed an attack, to me it felt like it only decreased the fatigue, when you use your last rush to bump into something

  9. Lilith- I'm addicted to Rose Tonic, pls help

    In all seriousness, love the vid! Once Adrenaline Vial got buffed, I wondered what your thoughts on a tier list might be. Your articulation and general knowledge on Blight is absolutely second to none, and I hope you're proud of how talented you are at all facets of playing Blight. Well done! Love the vid!

  10. I was actually called a hacker for using vigos journal one guy Said “kinda sus you were undetectable without tinkerer” I just said “I have vigos journal”

    I was also called a speed hacker

    I had the 2 speed addons that time


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