Blood Echo being an S-tier Perk (for once) | Dead by Daylight

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Blood Echo is a really difficult perk to get consistent value from due its multiple trigger conditions. This match was the one in a million where it actually worked flawlessly and completely countered every exhaustion perk from the Survivor side. Oh and also we talk about the Original Pain add-on a little. 😅

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


50 thoughts on “Blood Echo being an S-tier Perk (for once) | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think perks like Blood Echo and Mindbreaker would more satisfying to use if you could actually SEE when a Survivor is Exhausted. Maybe just a tiny icon next to their name while you’re chasing them to indicate they’re Exhausted would be a nice little thing to have.

  2. I like the underrated less used perks like this when they actually work. It's weird bc a perk like blood echo might work better against a good team (until it's called out) then solo survivors.

  3. The NFT business left a bad taste in my mouth, but I kept watching Otz's videos because I enjoyed how informative he was, his dedication, and his sense of humor. Not his fault: this is his job. But I gotta unsubscribe.

  4. I had a similar match with artist a few weeks back but I used her add on that made them exhausted when the crow swarm was on a survivor. Was really fun playing and seeing the survivors freek out here and there. I'd have look but I think the perks I used was (lethal pursuer, fear monger, the executioner perk that makes it so they scream when someone heals them and the artist scorch hook perk.

  5. I feel so late to the party because I’ve only recently got into dbd and started uploading my own clips. From a new followers perspective this channel and it’s fans are so amazing. Otz’s skills and sweet personality paired with fans who just seem to enjoy watching so much just makes me happy every time I see a new vid!


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