Blood Warden Blues [Dead By Daylight]

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Sometimes, the Killer has Blood Warden. And sometimes, the Killer has Blood Warden… and so does the next one. and the next…

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29 thoughts on “Blood Warden Blues [Dead By Daylight]”

  1. I respect Siege for being less sexual in their characters and costumes. They even have a trans character, Osa, etc – what I DONT like r6siege for – is the massive amount of cheaters. It’s even worse than dbd and it’s why I left that game.

  2. Is SBMM real? Yes – from data miners who know it’s real. Is it often turned off/glitched? Almost certainly.

    Does it work well even when it “works.” No. The whole system is “fucked” because the nature of the game isn’t balanced, fundamentally. The devs fix to balancing was just to drop baby killers into matches with SWFs and survivor veterans so the statistics appear closer to normal. Even when hatch was “broken” (prior to SBMM) the overall kill rate was around 70% (for killer overall). And all they did in that time was nerf hatch and add boons. Boons aren’t even as effective as people seem to think.

    Edit: you probably got a match with the Meg because you have a high survivor MMR and there aren’t many survivors with high MMR (while there are shit-tons of killers with high MMR).

  3. I would never understand dbd content creators judging other pps choices in the game, "don't waste that pallet", "don't run ruin on Freddy", let others play how they want dudes. It's not your game and not everyone plays for a living, some of us play for fun and not to nitpick on every decision like a competitive setting.

  4. Watching this video, it's wild to see how good John's gotten at looping (and at talking out his thoughts while playing) in the past couple of years. It's so satisfying to watch his Killer vids to see him get to work on survivors, but so tense and nerve-wracking to watch his Survivor vids with the chases and what happens with the teammates – so I love both sides. 😀 ty for another video, John & editor!


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