This Salt Is Absolutely Wild… – Dead By Daylight

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All of this because of a proxy camp near the end of the match?

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38 thoughts on “This Salt Is Absolutely Wild… – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Quick disclaimer: there are absolutely people out there who target people/streamers because of their race, sexuality, gender, etc. and those people are the cringiest weirdos who play DBD. But I don’t think it’s healthy to throw wild accusations like this at someone simply because you lost. That’s very silly.

  2. Calling proxy camping on a trap-based killer is so interesting. Like, sure a Myers wiggling around the space around a hook is one thing, complain about it. But blaming a Trapper or a Hag for going around placing their traps like that’s not their kit? It’s just an interesting mindset.

  3. The trap is clearly racist. If the character was white, it would not have caught their foot.
    Not to mention that he only set those traps in areas where black people live. No wonder a black person stepped in it.

  4. I actually was in a team with that person they got mad at me because the killer was near, and I didn’t heal them so they left me on hook then texted me that I deserved everything I had coming

  5. My favorite thing about this video is the dbd game play, but then you have the two people in chat talking about genshin characters.

    Btw, Kazuha is a great character, and I will be pulling for Chorinde when she's out

  6. Oh Boy, I actually think I ran into the same person months ago,Not As Killer but as survivor and they were saying the same kind of stuff even with the killer not tunneling or camping.

  7. I'd say that's pretty tame compared to what I encountered the other day lol but it's still highly unusual and WEIRD. I was called the P word.. all because I won a match of DbD, yes I tunneled yes I camped yes I slugged and even BM'd the Ada cause they whiffed their DH every time lol. They also suggested that I was "getting off" to a clip I used in reference to show how they were acting. I played Hag this was my 2ND Hag game in 5K hours by the way, got a 3M SWF 100% and I won, also got harassed for playing the way I did. Survivors need to relax and chill with the projection it's just weird and they really should take their meds.. I get heated too but trying to reform

    Edit: I don't want to play Killer because of survivors like that, I feel bad for the parents. I don't intentionally set out to ruin games I'm just playing the game like any other Killer but survivors don't see it that way lol

  8. Had a TTV try and do a last moment run to the exit gate with me on their trail but guess what i used unknowns teleport to get them their other TTV friend tried some similar stuff mid match and was the first to die only 1 escaped and it was the sable that didnt do anything annoyingly it was funny next match the poor survivors got some bad spawns and made some bad moves and died without a gen done i felt so bad i let the last one live which ironically was a sable but stealthy gen defence unknown is the best got that perk that when i kick a gen you get undetected and see survivors near the gen the one that gives non stop skill checks for the last 10 repair things for the gen and i forget the last two perks works very well for unknown tho

  9. I actually think the healing build I use plus a good medkit heals that quickly. It's: we'll make it, botany, empathetic connecting and desperate measures. With a purple medkit, the pad and the purple thing to increase speed. It's crazy quick. It only works on 1.5 people though

  10. I mean, I know I got tunneled and camped once for using LGBTQIA+ charms, but that person ADMITTED that they did it because of it. But we all know, you are not that kind of person.

  11. Love how the most delusional of people play the race card when they know how stupid their argument is and expect to win.

    Bonus points to that one dude who tried to make himself seem like a victim and then be racist just because he lost.

  12. that's wild as hell i've had killers who would bleed me out and hump me cause i looped them really well and i still would say gg go next but i didn't see where you did anything wrong and the fact that they were insuiating that you were racist is beyond belief


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