The Most Streamer Rage I've Ever Seen! | Dead By Daylight

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This person is, without a doubt, the most rage filled streamer I have ever seen playing Dead By Daylight…

I hope you enjoyed the video today! If you did, please do leave a like and subscribe for more content just like this! Also, let me know your thoughts on this guy in the comments!

REMINDER: This video is not here so that you can send hate to the streamer in question. It’s an analysis of behaviour and you should take it as a lesson and entertainment, rather than an opportunity to spread hate.

If you have a streamer who you think I should check out, whether they be toxic or wholesome, let me know by emailing me at [email protected]! 🙂

Check me out on:

0:00 Introduction
1:05 Random Rage Clips
2:41 Boon Slander (1st Game)
11:56 Boil Over & Flip Flop Rage (2nd Game)
22:16 “It’s Just A Game”…

Endcard music: ‘Crown’ by Neffex

#dbd #dbdtoxic #dbdttv


26 thoughts on “The Most Streamer Rage I've Ever Seen! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Hey guys, did you know I got a detail wrong in this video? The Mikaela actually had power struggle and that’s how the pallet save happened… Just in case the 100 other comments about it didn’t let you know that 😉😂

  2. i think dbd is for me the only one game where i can relax (i play 99% as a killer and even when i find a full group with "toxic perk and add on" or i play as survivor with random i think that if i loose it's only my fault or at least i could do better). Can't understand with people rage quit that hard or start trolling in a game like this

  3. yknow i know nothing about dbd or its community (i refuse to play cause im scared ill get flamed since im new lmao) but i LOVE watching aarons videos. keep em coming man!

  4. … am I going nuts, or is half the video missing? Like the entire mid part of the video.. the meat and potatoes of it per say. Got like 2 seconds into "the first match", and it cut to the end of the video

  5. im ngl, i was a lot like this dude, absolutely screaming my lungs out at every little thing for no reason thinking everything is stupid, and it was all because I was insanely depressed, i didn't mean to cause anger and make anger, it just happened without my control.
    I'm not like this anymore, I feel as though I've made great progress controlling it, and now I just kinda act like of mix of jrm and no0b3 when he was in his prime.
    A good amount of breaks from the game (and a lot of weed) helped a lot

  6. As a main killer, I see the hatch as uninteresting. Finding hatch has nothing to do with skill. So I don't care about that. But this dude definitely has a problem. Regardless of hatch

  7. Yeah I was like "Idk man, not many people could top shortbread with how he just explodes at his own chat for asking questions or giving their opinions" but this guy man… I admit the game riles me up at times and you sometimes get the very occasional angry scream. But it's never directed at them, more at myself for not seeing the outplay coming. TLDR; it's normal to get angry at DBD sometimes, but this man should be a VA for DBZ with all the screaming he does.

  8. I've been watching dbd content on youtube and twitch since 2018 and I have to say I ain't never seen anyone rage this bad. sure some peeps had their moment or two, but this? and over what?? the mf HATCH? xD

  9. I used to be so angry. You know what I did? I went to the mental hospital, got a diagnosis, and am so SO much calmer.
    Buuuuuuut I get suicidal after many toxic enemies so I cant play long sessions anymore.


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