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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
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“Worst killer in the game” hows that 🤨
I feel like Myers is still worse. He’s as If they made Ghost face have a stalk with a limit on it and took away his stealth that’s literally Myers.
i dunno ghostie has some really good builds
Next killer perk idea- “while in chase, gen progress speed is reduced by 10%/15%/20%”
Ghostface definitely isn’t the weakest, honestly pretty pig is probably the weakest killer since the nerf to her traps.
It is not fair to put Ghoat below freddy, at least you can sneak on people and have a instadown.
Thought this was a Freddy game💀
Myers is better then Ghostface in every way. No clue what people are thinking when they say GF is better. He gets revealed way to easily and the stalk meter on everyone is a huge time sink where gens can be rushed. Myers gets in his power and can insta down whoever the hell he wants, plus use Dead Rabbit add on and hes almost undetectable if you want the stealth.
37 seconds in this video is why GF sucks. Where are they revealing him from half a map away behind a bush????? Lmao
As a new player, any killer that can be undetected and one hit down you is tough. I feel like Nemesis is probably the easiest to go against. His tentacle can be dodged and it takes 3 hits to down you.
Wait ghost face is a weak killer? 😭
Another thing people are missing and never bring up is you can body block for a marked survivor, you can't body block against Myers in tier 3 everyone is exposed lmao. Just another thing that makes Myers better, at high level at least. Thats huge.
So break it down, how bad how the game gotten since the last 3 months?
Ghostface is the worst? Hmmm
Worst killer yet comp uses it lol
RIP eruption and all other gen protection
the crazy thing is they weren't even good loopers. i had this happen in a match and if survivors just focus gens they can finish 3 gens by your second down very easy. which forces you to tunnel to stand a chance.
Ghosty is not the weakest killer in the game lol he’s no top tier but there’s worse killers.
they REALLY NEED to buff up ghost face and myers!, like the stalking is a bit of a issue when alot of time is wasted!, they could easily give ghost face that addon when stalking somone on full at a gen pops the gen that should 100% be basekit for ghostface cause even if it pops that amount of time this killer waste stalking but more importantly as a ghost face player YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET YOUR FULL STALK off until your right next to them pretty much, you shouldnt be half a mile away stalking them to pop the gen otherwise you might not catch them with the down. thats why they should just give ghost face the 20% gen progress it people get full stalked on a gen that would be the survivors fault anyways.
either that bvhr could also do something if ghostface or myerls stalk a certain % on survivors that they get a free pop perk one time use on a gen or something, when they kick a gen next time that has a decent %.