Pure Concentrated 100% Solo Queue – Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

jesus christ


34 thoughts on “Pure Concentrated 100% Solo Queue – Dead by Daylight”

  1. This is honestly why I don’t like playing solo survivor. The cheat detection of DbD is so bad that they don’t have measures to detect who is cheating, the only thing that can happen is someone can record and submit as evidence. So if a random is using cheats and uses those cheats to help you, you could be punished for cheating because there’s no actual cheat detection. You’re only safe if you’re a streamer or record all your games.

  2. You know, I'd like to see cheaters go up against cheaters in DbD. All the clips we see are so one-sided: it's either the Killer being a Bubba with the power of flight and iri hatchets, or Meg with 4 urban evasions or 4 tenacities.
    I wanna see the cheaters square off against one another, let it be a bloodbath.
    Or better yet – surv cheaters against a juiced-up killer bot (you know, the Spirits that have 0 attack and power cooldowns).

  3. Lucky for me, I have a powerful enough PC that I can leave DBD open and wait as long as the hacker wants to waste their time while I play something else. If more people grow balls the hackers will give up.


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