Borrowed Time Is Becoming BASEKIT?? – Dead By Daylight

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Is it a meme or REALLY happening?? If it is… WHEN??? Devs: Soon…

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50 thoughts on “Borrowed Time Is Becoming BASEKIT?? – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I think the biggest issue I’m seeing is that this will cause survivors to essentially have 5 perks, which is understandably frustrating for killers. Maybe there’s something/a perk for killers that could be basekit as well to make it more even? If this were the case, which perk for killers would you want basekit?

  2. They need to make so many perks basekit for both killer and survivor. Add communication and a pinging system, and fix performance issues and their game would be in so much of a better spot. It's not even hard to do

  3. So basically they say if you are high MMR got fck yourself and get out of the game, cause other than Blight and Nurse no other killer can get even 1 kill on high MMR without resorting to tunneling and camping so why not fck the high MMR players up even more and take that 1 kill from them as well. Because yeah, the braindamaged idiotitc team of developers who is too stupid to make AI bots thinks of ppl who even bother playing as killers as only bots that run the game for them. Glad i dropped this piece of garbage.

  4. i think it is absolutely reasonable that borrowed time be basekit. i understand each side has their frustrations with the other but like that’s so objectively okay

  5. If anything should be basekit for survivors should be kindred and/or maybe unbreakable, making bt basekit would be terrible, like I get ppl don't like tunneling and camping but it's a game, there aren't rules for this game and shouldn't be, but having bt be basekit would ruin the game more in my opinion, for the killer side mainly

  6. I don’t think bt should be base kit honestly

    While it would be a nice change it’d give you no incentive to level up someone else and maybe try a new playstyle

  7. Not enough crutch for survivors I guess. After boons which is run and abused each game, a surv can have 5+ perks. With bt base kit now they can have 6 perks. At this point, just remove a perk slot from killers and make it 3 perks max. Might as well kick us in the balls even harder.

  8. As a killer main, I think basekit BT would be fine really, but killers should get some compensation as well. I would like a bit of pop to be basekit for killers, especially since in general, kicking generators without pop is pretty much useless. 15% pop basekit seems pretty good to me, and would fall in line with your suggested "lower tier" BT being basekit as well. (Yes, I know lower tier pop only influences the time it is up, but leaving it at 25% would be way too strong)

  9. They should lower the Survivor sounds and remove most of the killers handicaps (scratchmarks, survivor injured sounds, bloodlust, killers shouldn't be able to turn when lunging.)
    They should remove all the meta perks and give away auric cells to compensate.
    Crows give more notifications based on how many gens pop.
    Better items like guns, instruction booklet for gens, phone book jacket, shank etc to replace those perks.
    More gens across maps.
    Totems could be indestructible and a secondary objective for both sides.
    Most importantly the PBT should have all perks unlocked from the start. How can I try new perks with 10k bp?

  10. I think if your wanna give survivors a 5th perk slot than you need to give killers one I have this idea that killers should get base kit ruin but hear me out, killers get a lit totem by default but it’s only the equivalent to a tier 1 ruin so it’s not great but it’s a nice little slowdown

  11. Dead hard basically negates hit every time bt on everyone all the time giving them an extra perk for free it’s already incredibly survivor sided don’t give them another tool soon killers aren’t gonna want to play anymore because survivors will have some many tool given to them for free it’s kinda silly lol buffs for killers to make them better make it so when u snuff out a boon you break the totem permanently it would help make boons more manageable

  12. Legit just reinstalled. Probably gonna uninstall again. This game is SO survivor favoured it's INSANE. I've NEVER EVER played a game so blatantly favoured with balance towards one side. This just makes Killer at high level the worst it could ever be. Everyone with burrowed plus 4 other perks. Rip Killers man.

    How about make Ruin+Undying basekit? Or pop? Hell even BBQ… But oh wait no that's OP. Killers are OP babies that don't deserve anything in a game literally about killers. What survivors ACTUALLY should get for basekit is KINDRED.

  13. I think they need to quit streamlining tiny bits here and there and just start work on a massive overhaul of basically everything.

    Everything from mechanics in a match to the ever growing amount of grind the stupidity that was teachables has given us.

    Dbd is in serious need of a rework. It's fun and it's great to play but these days I get on and just think about how much wasted potential it has.

  14. A couple problems I see with this are 1 you are taking away another option in a killers kit. 2 they would have to make a new perk for bill. And 3 if they did do this and still wanted to be seen as a balanced decision they would have to make something like noed basekit.

  15. As a killer main at my level I always have to assume BT anyway so completely fine by me. Absolutely not for DS though as people use it with UB aggressively as a time waster. What would they do with the actual perk if it becomes base kit though I wonder

  16. It shouldn’t be base-kit because then it’s no better then having 5 perks for free. Trust me I don’t mind borrowed time taking a slot but still don’t it’s necessary for it to be base.

  17. No I think it’s a terrible idea even as a nerfed version of it as it would just award bad unhooking even more but if they were to add it killers should get something in compensation for it like a nerfed version of pop where it does say maybe 10 or 15% rather than 25% as base kit

  18. Personally, Borrowed Time is a perk for a reason. Just like DS is a perk. You bring them to prevent others/yourself getting tunneled. I don't want it base-kit, it may just incentivise people unhooking in front of the killer without having a perk for protection, rather its just part of the game. Is it likeable to be camped/tunneled? No, however its a game and everyone plays it differently. In my opinion it just seems to be giving people a 5th perk slot to play a little more risky and then complain when it doesn't work out for them. That's really what I'm about. I play the game based off of what's in front of me. You're going for the rescue 2 seconds after I hook and walk? I'm chasing you there. You unhook in my face? I'll take free hits and downs. Its your mistake and I dont think there should be a base kit safety mechanic for "dumb" (rather, unsafe) plays.

  19. I’m a survivor main and BT base kit is ridiculous, it’s a perk you choose to run. And a very good perk at that. I know it’s just a game, and a game is far from real life. But choosing to play ‘killer’, you should be able to do do whatever it takes – as a killer would – without people whining about the way you went about it (eg tunneling and proxy camping). They’re useful strategies. Getting facecamped sucks, I’ll admit, but people need to get over their entitlement honestly, especially when they’re teabagging flashlight clicking survivors. While I don’t encourage tunnelling it’s a completely viable strategy and shouldn’t be forced out of the game by the devs.


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