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Any killer that ignores the rules of the game earns that title of best killer.
Gg also to that ace Tobe the only one of them that knew how to play against nurse
Ești un idol REIKOO.Uno mereu în inima mea 💋 frumos, dragoste, alegere, cultural. Sunt unul dintreq cele mai bune concerte….
0:51 – People think this because they play Nurse… once… and can't even figure out how to get a single hit. Or they played baby nurses at Low MMR and bullied her. IIRC, it took 3 games to even get my first hook as Nurse. For how difficult she is to learn, she deserves to be #1 when mastered… but it's probably not healthy that she and like Blight are the only killers you can face at High MMR.
It’s so impressive to see how good your blinks are on Nurse. Well done once again on a complete massacre.
Spirit was close to Nurse imo pre nerf. Felt like I stood a chance against any team with Spirit.
Hi Tru3! I was watching your series on Star Wars the Jedi Knight and I noticed that you never finished it. Do you have plans to return to that series?
best killer in the game, but can be shit for anyone who is not god tier with her….i am average with her, some games are good and some are ass where I get zero hooks. It can be that way for every killer, I have had a terrible time with the new ghostface especially, people who I cannot catch and bullies who sweat their skin off.
When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.
ফেলিসিডেস, এটি মিনাংকাবাউ উদাহরণ। 250 sentadillas son unos Kimmy-jka.Monster muchas y un buen ejercicio. 5:25 Dadi dejao ver que hay muy buenos ফলাফল 😍👍
Nah it’s definitely pyramid head 🤣🤣🤣
Anyone else had a spirit bot called Ellie? I had it 2 games in a row today killed us all in about 15seconds teleporting around the map
Best killer in the game. Looks at thumbnail and thinks "Thomas Jefferson?"
i have been a nurse/spirit main since launch. since bhvr nerfed spirit and made her completely unusable without cherry blossom at top mmr. if they nerf nurse im done with dbd.
Nurse is cute))