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Bubba benefits from the buffed perks A LOT in dead by daylight!
Bubba Just Got Much SCARIER in DBD! The new update to dead by daylight. Funny moments and meme fail.
D3AD Plays
Stream Everyday 5pm EST.
Who's excited for Alien?!
buffed Trail of Torment is literally so amazing on Bubba, I've been loving it
Best build ever undetectable
1:25 oh can i get this. Oh nearly (She was was 10 feet from you)
I just looked it up and it looks so cool I think this will be a great new licensed killer!
Yoooo! This build should be illegal 😂
Cant wait for ALIEN !!
Hey I’m early
Aot skins so cool
I’ll try this build on billy with the silent addon
Gg wp xD terrifying booba
Who misses the old bubba masks? 🙁
Dead to’ survivors::: No mercy 😡
D3AD used my main and favorite build, that's so awesome!! I plan to run this stealth build on every killer because it's so much fun!
This is so evil….I love it❤️
Gear head instead of dark devotion would be ideal
You’ve GOT to try Trail of Torment with Hex: Third Seal. It hides the yellow gen aura from them so they don’t know which gen they need to touch. I like to run Third Seal, Undying, Trail of Torment, and then Opression so more gems are regressing which keeps them guessing which one they need to find. Very nasty build
"I'll be gettin' you soon don't worry" hahaha LOVE IT!
I think this build work on in door maps 🔥 like game map or treatment theater
This works insanely good on hillbilly too. Use addon to make chainsaw silent when outside terror radius. With same build it’s nasty.
I actually made this exact same build on legion not too long ago (besides nowhere to hide) and it was fun
This build with dragons grip is good at forcing them between the instant down or giving you 1 minute of gen regression and undetectable, worked alright on twins when I tried it
What about "Machine learning"?
D3ad you should use the build on GhostFace please
This build is great on Pyramid Head as well
I love 3 game vids
Dang those add ons just make you go faster, like your on a skateboard while with a chainsaw that’s wild.
i love you and your accent dawg i get my food from the supermarket everyday sit down and watch your videos i love you romantically mwwwaah
They need to change the name of the game to what it really is.. Camp By Tunnel-Light.
Second game on Eyrie was evil… brutalized those survivors.
Have you ever tried playing Bubba with iridescent flesh and infectious frights? It can lead to a lot of easy chain hits and maybe with the purple chilli add on it could be even more powerful. Could be a perfect slugging build.
I have people question why I play the way I do at times, being less efficient (aka NOT genrushing) with my playstyle, and it's the scary af builds like these as my justification.
I also don't run exhaustion, so I need to play smarter, not harder.
Great video, hope to go up against it at some point!
Hi is there 50% on licensed or no
I can already see d3ad playing 100 matches in a row playing alien..
My favourite is trail, hex third seal, knockout and hex devour it is my new favourite build on him
I love how much D3AD enjoys this build; love the enthusiasm with this one!
You already know he's all I'm running all BBQ event
I've gyaaaat to get that Yui skin ahe was using in the 3rd match
If they are adding alien i have hope for springtrap
3:21 mind game was fire
That ending was perfect, GGs D3AD!
Who is a better Bubba player? D3ad or Seth.. honestly D3ad makes everything look so easy and makes it work like a charm more fluently and effectively than Seth