Bubba learns how to use the new harvester – Dead By Daylight

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39 thoughts on “Bubba learns how to use the new harvester – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Did that twice on demogorgon. Without shred. Really useful to know because many survivors camp there and think you cant catch them. Other side you can still hit their legs and down them if they are close the edge.

  2. LMFAO. It's a couple of weeks ago were I played survivor and this meg were also a surv in my team. Was a pretty rough game we kinda throwed the game and in the end this dude blamed the whole team (or to be exactly, he blamed everyone but himself). He also commented at my profile (more insults) and because of that I commented under his profile as well, nothing mean, not even a -rep. Of course he deleted that xD
    What a bad loser, HSHAHHAHA


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