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The New Castlevania Chapter has finally touched down on live servers. In this video I will be providing you with some Dracula gameplay using two of his new cosmtics. Dracula also got some quality of life buffs with his Hell Fire cooldowns and speed buffs to the wolf form. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:
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Great video as always bro
Yaya Drac is here
Okay the young dracula looks nice same with the alucard skin but the other skins Just failed to impress me
With the VAMPS! Say it !!!
Yeah I agree. I like that second skin better too!
You to much Goose lol You’re punch lines are S tier
. Keep up the good work.
Great vid, but I don’t believe that the scent orb haste stacks with anything including rapid brutality. In the description of his power it says scent orbs have an unstackable haste effect
I hate kid who say first like stop glaze to try get pin
Great video and what do you think about Dracula so far? He seems like a Mid Tier killer, but people are still learning how to play him correctly.
I feel so bad for Dracula forced to sacrifice his own son for eternity I mean it must be painful for a parent

I was the shack pallet in the first match.
I’ve been playing Dracula for a while and he is really fun i just can’t bring myself to sacrifice any Alucard.
Friends Til' The End is one of the best perks on Dracula cause of his bat teleport
@Negoose it’s ok to Slug, and don’t let anyone tell you differently. F**k these survivors! You and this DBD K*ller named Wolfe, plays the game relentlessly, and I love you content because of it. Keep k*lling how you’ve been.
Waiting room for a Plague video using Hex: Wretched Fate. Forever Plague has another toy to use!!!
I think the wolf normal attacks are registered as basic attacks. I realized it works with surge as well
U’re my fav DbD content creator man:)