Buffed Skull Merchant CAME!… and so did I… | Dead by Daylight

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Skull Merchant got buffs that were to make her PTB annoyances now turned into very great buffs! Lets see how it does in the live game paired with my fun Skull Merchant builds!

Skull Merchant got a mad amount of changes and reworks in play today for the new PTB! Her changes gives her more drones, more impactful in chases, INJURE survivors with drones, and makes them broken all while being UNDETECTABLE! She is at her peak in terms of fun right now! Glad to see that Skull Merchant won’t be left in the dark like most killers were after their sloppy openings.

How we feeling about the Skull Merchant Rework?

Thumbnail Render by ME 🙂

Wanna STALK me? My Instagram’s Right Here! — https://www.instagram.com/bavin_bainess/

Wanna purge your insomnia with a full autopilot dbd playlist? Here ya go! — https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLYfnc8lX-GlDkTEPndfKaB_QkGMPgsqf

playing Dead by daylight also known as dbd with every killer trapper wraith hillbilly nurse huntress hag shape aka myers doctor trickster dredge artist deathslinger ghostface demogorgon pig onryu aka the ring clown cannibal aka leatherface nemesis plague freddy spirit legion oni executioner aka pyramid head blight twins cenobite aka pinhead alien xenomorph the xenomorph and survivor many people play this asymmetrical horror including tru3ta1ent otzdarva jrm and ayrun! (Just seeing if the algorithm will eat this up)

#dbd #dbdkiller #dbdkillergameplay #dbdnewupdate #skullmerchant #dbdchess #dbdptb


39 thoughts on “Buffed Skull Merchant CAME!… and so did I… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. The reworked Furtive chase looks like it could fit pretty well into a Stealth Merchant build, because if the stealth from FC is about to run out you can drop a drone to prolong it to get that sweet sneak attack. Run it with Game Afoot to ensure your first down is the obsession to get the ball rolling, which leaves 2 slots open for tracking and slowdown. First thought is Surveillance+Jolt so you know exactly when and where to go, and take full advantage of surprise downs.

  2. After a few games I discovered the best places to her drones in the shack (in front of the second locker) and in some main buildings (you can simply place all 6 of your drones in the shack, it looks really funny lol, and the game doesn't restrict you from placing drones near hooks)

    they removed the god windows from the huntress map

    and most importantly, shirtless blight or shirtless dwight

  3. "These actually look AWESOME. Well, if you're a furry I guess."
    Am a furry. Can confirm these are my new favorite skins in the game (except Plague's because… idk what they were thinking with Great Value Demogorgon there)

  4. My guy as usual 🫱🏻‍🫲🏿 as a sm main im always entertained with your gameplay and doesnt it feel great to run them scream builds to annoy survivors,when you said this is our new meta you are not lying and loved how you used the omega range reference im a huge omega red fan on xmen,as usual heres your thumbs up and view.

  5. Seems people havent thought about how to really counter her yet. Whenever I get in a game with a merchant now, I almost always do a drone If I come across it, I'm not going to do every drone, but it helps the team when there is only 1 up because I ain't scared of a little claw trap, I'm worried about the entire map being zoned out.

  6. This new Skull merchant looks good but one change I would add is that once you hack the drone that put a claw trap on you it gets deactivated with the drone. Same will happen if the a drone is recalled

  7. There a bug or something but I just known it for a month now but I don't see how anyone haven't talk about it. If you carry a survivor a spam hit you can cancel them wiggle off and take them hostage and if the other survivor opens door and mess around with you. With 60 second if you have blood waden to hook that survivor lol

  8. I don't know you that person to make tutorials but I like some for skull merchant were to place drones in a chase or building to get the most value of it. Sometimes my drones don't scan at all and I wanna know where to corner them or push them. Thanks and please.


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