BULLY FAIL! ft. DOC! – Dead by Daylight!

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32 thoughts on “BULLY FAIL! ft. DOC! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 487 sentadillas son unos XXXGIRLS.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😍👍 Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖 los mortalesv abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer.k

  2. I don’t think these guys were “bullying”, they weren’t toxic at all, probably just seeing if this build works or not. Which it does not on this map clearly. Don’t really see why you felt the need to hit them on hook.

  3. These kind of builds are ridiculously stupid, if survivors don't mess up it will be impossible for the killer to hook them, you can't go after them beacuse they will get in a spot they know you won't be able to hook them, therefore you are wasting time and the other guys do the gens; however, if you don't chase them they will do the objective and you wouldn't be able to stop them. But you can't complete your objective, one more proove that this game is really stupid, luckly not all survivors are that ass

  4. I remember: sabotage is not bully the killer. it's legit like you stay at hook until 2nd stage. absolutely legit

    PLUS boil let you get a boost to ur actual wiggle progress and not every time the same progress.

  5. "They're just trying to have fun" That's what all bullies are trying to do. Get their jollies at someone else's expense, so they're not wrong, but its a crappy thing to get off on doing.

  6. I faced a 3 man of no mither, dead hard, and flashlights bent on locker saving each other, not to mention they had a stupid shack into jungle gym setup but they were so focused on protecting one another even after looping well I still got a 4k, well 3.5k since one DC'd for hatch but I know where it was since they brought an offering for it.
    I hate teams like this, they're 'fun' is bent on annoying the killer and preventing the killer from getting results.

  7. Unfortunately both sides have full capability of making the game no fun for the other side, even while having fun themselves. It's a mix of players fooling themselves into thinking the other side is actually having fun, those having 0 care for the other side, and those going out of their way to ruin the other sides fun.

  8. So basically you can’t have fun in multiplayer games only single player games cause in single player games bots aren’t unhappy about u having fun at their expense but any multiplayer games like cod for example if you destroy the other team and spawn trap them u are having fun but they aren’t

  9. I think "No matter how much a gen you do it never completes." Is not accurate. (Especially when survivors play poorly it can feel that way with some builds.) I think no matter how much work you do on a gen it never progresses would be more accurate since if you can never hook a survivor you never even get progress to your "objective" (Kills). At best they bleed out on the floor eventually and even that is a massive waste of time.

  10. Gen Rushing ABSOLUTELY exists. It's when a team comes in with BNP, prove thyselves and stacked toolboxes and INTENTIONALLY does the objective as fast as they can.

    The problem is rando solos can fly through gens fast too so it can be hard to tell until the end game.


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