His gameplay made NO sense, until… | Dead by Daylight

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The other day we watched some Killer gameplay from a viewer and learned that they were partially deaf. At that moment, I realized why he had been struggling to track Survivors despite his otherwise excellent gameplay. Everything suddenly made a lot of sense! This video aims to shed some more light at the accessibility issues that a lot of players still face in DBD.

0:00 Intro & Context
2:56 Huntress Gameplay (Grey filter & muted)

Background sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dINW0rALOkg

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38 thoughts on “His gameplay made NO sense, until… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. As someone with very poor vision and color vision I often felt that the clutter and coloring on the maps has given me trouble and even ultimately had me drop the game (although still watch your vids every time they come out) it is very common for games to put a honestly lackluster "colorblind mode" in and call it a day.
    Very happy you are pointing these things out and spread awareness <3

  2. Otz, this was definitely an interesting video. How do you feel about maybe doing a video showcasing great players with disabilities? I think opening a bigger door to passionate players such as this and seeing how accessibility issues come into play (game itself or otherwise) could be something really neat. There’s definitely plenty of folks who would love to show their skill and personality

  3. i recently got into DBD, and my bad hearing has really become noticable lol. i dont have hearing loss, i have audio processing disorder. when im playijng with friends and we're talking in discord i have to have their volumes set to 10-20 or else i cannot hear the game at all and miss vital queues. its why i really love the heart indicator as survivor since i cant really hear the killer heartbeat at all, it sounds exactly the same as generators to me. for the first 10 or so hours of playing i was constantly getting jump scared bc i didnt hear the killer heart beat.

  4. I have the exact same issue! Always have to use whispers because of it. I've tried stridor but the problem is with only hearing from one ear that you can still hear things but it's very hard to decipher what direction the sounds are coming from. R.i.p. to using the spirit

  5. DBD Mobile has accessibility options that point you to downed survivors when you get close enough as well as non regressing gens which is nice. I bet that’s awesome for deaf people.

  6. Being born completely deaf in my right ear sadly makes certain killers very hard to play. I lose surviors fairly easy and rely much on aura perks. But i like to think that im a decent killer besides the fact. Especially since killer is my favorite role.

  7. I was once a red rank surprise noed Billy back in the day [reminder to do bones] when ranks were matchmaking, and it was w a controller that was slightly damaged.
    The movement stick wouldn’t detect a 100% push straight forward.
    Meaning that in games like DBD and COD I wouldnt be moving at the intended full speed, it’s like if I were to be basically a normal killer moving at huntress speed, unless I was strafing, so I got really good at listening out of one ear, but man trapper (main back then, was bc of otz too) was impossible after that.

  8. Unfortunately I don’t think the visual indicators are viable for this game. In fortnite they added them and it completely broke the balance of the game for a long time. It’s just too much of an advantage for players who can already here.

  9. TBH it's nice to see how other creators try to walk in other people's shoes with certain disabilities that struggle with games like DBD.

    I am partially deaf. I have no hearing in my right ear and I only have about 21% hearing in my left ear. I was born like this. Gaming with a controller helps me bc i can feel vibrations from the rumble pack in it but only for certain games. With DBD I rely heavily on blood tracking and honestly using Whispers. I have got accused several times using BBQ or an aura perk when it's literally Whispers.

    I rarely play killer anymore due to how sweaty the games can get but I've played mostly Trapper, Spirit, Hag, Demo and Nemi. Some of the killers like Dredge is difficult to play as or go against bc of the complexity of the killer. Simple M1 killers as most people call them to me are fun and easy to play as because i don't have to be overwhelmed by the power/controls. If i got more practice in sure i could probably handle it but there's more to it than everyone thinks~

    Be kind to each other bc you don't know what's going on behind the screen~ <3

  10. I have Greyscale colourblindness. This was so interesting to watch you got a decent y hard map in the grand scheme of things thanks for showing everyone how I play <3 I wish I could edit the aura colours as the in game colour filters dont really help.

  11. This is definitely true especially if you are streaming. A lot of the time the viewer sees and hears things that you completely miss and they berate you for it. Props to the person who sent it’s the video. I definitely couldn’t play deaf.
    As for the game it’s played: props to you as well sir for stepping into someone else’s shoes. I wish i could watch the match but for some reason watching anything black and white gives me an ocular migraine. Well done all 🙂

  12. This is amazing! I'm definitely an advocate for accessibility in games and I love it when games take the time to consider those features. My friend's sister has limited vision and tends to have slow reflexes, they were able to play The Quarry together because the game allows you to extend timed events, making her able to enjoy the experience without trouble.
    I'm hoping they think of this for The Casting of Frank Stone.

  13. I feel this dude. For me i have kinda same problems, i cannot hear properly things and second of all, i lot of colors blend for me, like on Midwich i cannot see that well or even the darker maps. Thats why i love the brighter maps and i am sad Decimated is getting changed.

  14. As a color blind person I can confirm it is super annoying playing killer with aura reading perks on certain maps, like I'm constantly second guessing myself if I actually saw something or if it was just an element of the terrain. Coldwind farm is particularly bad as Otz found out here, the corn literally makes auras invisible to me even if they're there, and that goes for survivor as well so I can't see generators with perks like deja vu. Not to mention I always think the strands of hay on the ground are scratch marks. 0/10 map for color blind folks but the rest aren't too terrible.

  15. I REALLY appreciate this video. Though I'm not colourblind per se, I have issues with my eyesight and processing speed due to other disabilities, so it's really common for me to miss visual cues, get lost/turned around on maps, etc. I always play in colourblind mode in games because it can sometimes help with the, you know, whole me being blind issue. I am always a big proponent of accessibility and there's always so much pushback when you bring it up in the context of gaming. I am so glad that you and your community is so positive, accepting, and understanding.

  16. I have a reduced vision (not that bad but is not good), and specific maps like the coldwind ones (a lot of corn) and the singularity ones are an aberration for me, is so hard to distinguish auras or survivors. I often go afk than playing

  17. This is why visual indicators on dbd mobile are so helpful since they help people who are hard of hearing. They should just implement the visual sound indicators from mobile version into core. I am very hard of hearing and i can't tell you how helpful the sound indicators on mobile are. Also i am a little color blind and with warm tones like red, yellow and orange and playinf killer is just awful since i can't see scratch marks or use barbeque auras with people on generators since everything is the same color 😪

  18. First person who talked about this and I’m so happy this is a platform for encouraging players to play even if we might not have the same ability as others!!!

  19. Would something like mono audio be helpful in this scenario? It wouldn't help with directional audio, but it would at least make sure the player gets all the base info from sound

  20. Otz throwing us a curve ball as he turns into a deer and frolicks playfully to this tranquil melody.
    And on the other side of the monitor, the other 4 players are screaming and panicking 😂


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