BULLY SQUAD Tries to RUIN the Haunted by Daylight Event..

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BULLY SQUAD Tries to RUIN the Haunted by Daylight Event in Dead by Daylight!
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BULLY SQUAD Tries to RUIN DBD! The new update to dead by daylight. Funny moments and meme fail.

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40 thoughts on “BULLY SQUAD Tries to RUIN the Haunted by Daylight Event..”

  1. such a cringe bully squad, i have my own bully squad but never do those kinds of sh!t after the game and they literally lose the game but still toxic.. my bully squad always respect each killers no matter we won or lose the match, except the tunneling and/or camping killer ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. I could tell that their bullying was getting to you a bit there when you ran into two consecutive E pressers. Normally you are really good at waiting that out but itโ€™s totally understandable letting that slip considering how annoying this group was. You still stuck it to them in the end so great job. That team would have easily made a casual killer rage quit with their nonsense.

  3. Iโ€™ve been watching you for a while and youโ€™re hands down my favorite YouTuber on this platform. Your videos are entertaining and you always have a huge variety of videos to keep everyone hooked on your channel and I absolutely love it. Iโ€™m happy to be apart of your community on YouTube, keep up the good quality vids bro!

  4. D3ad, you are probably one of my favorite dbd youtubers out there. Everyday when I get home from a long day, I check my notifications for more of your videos. If you are reading this, thank you and keep up the good workโค

  5. this is huge clickbait LMAO bro is calling casual players playing for fun and doing normal survivor things a "bully squad." DBD has been nerfed enough for surv that you can't even "bully" killers. Know where the term comes from and why. Everyone loving on the video is showing their IQ ๐ŸคฃDH, DS, UB, Locker saves, insta-blinds, vertical collision and more has been changed in the game, there is nothing a surv can do now in today's game aside from predrop (which is playing safe) that leaves the killer with no choice. If you get escaped on, you're just bad, cope harder, that doesn't make anyone a bully squad. Stop getting offended survs are loading into your lobby because it is a presumption from them that they'll escape. The difference between y'all and most players are most players play for fun and not to win.

  6. Is it me or did Myers get faster maybe even a little bit as of lately I swear he's gotten a little bit faster and that's without tunng any speed up perks like, stbfl, rapid, ECT if any one else noticed this lmk I didn't see anything in the patch notes,and I have the most time in Myers I have pinhead, Freddy, nemesis clown, xeno and huntress from years ago when I got Myers as far as purchased killers go, and yeah I've noticed that with Myers or maybe I'm crazy


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