Give me Your HOTTEST Dead by Daylight Takes!! | #dbd

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42 thoughts on “Give me Your HOTTEST Dead by Daylight Takes!! | #dbd”

  1. When new players join the game , the lean towards killer since it’s harder to be a survivor, thus making them use perks that survivors believe are “meta” due to the fact they can’t beat skilled survivors due to them being really good

  2. Why da hell everyone complain about any too strong stuff like blights addons or Nurses Power… But nobody complain about things that are clearly too weak for the modern days like for example most of Pyramid heads Add-ons or buffing rarly played killer by maybe rework them… I just don't know why everyone just mememe too strong YEAH GET USED TO THIS KILLER OR ADFON

  3. I am glad the devs are being transparent with us and showing us the road map for next year. I feel like somethings in It are kind of unnecessary like changes to huntress and demogorgon. They should’ve actually focused on killers that had problems for a while like the buggymess that is knight The well of useless add-ons that belong to executioner and nemesis. I just feel like they aren’t listening at this point and are just doing things that are planned rather than things that need to happen. which I kind of get because their game studio but yeah.

  4. Skull Merchant is fine where she is now.
    I don't understand the hate she still gets
    It's okay to dislike a character, but these people treat Adriana like she murdered their dogs or something

    Adrenaline should get nerfed. It should either give a health state or a speed boost, not both (if you ask me, i'm more inclined to the speed boost)
    But also, of course, not wake you up from Dreamworld, cuz…ya know…poor Freddy

  5. Ruin is not in a good spot and it is not even worth considering for a build in it’s current state. Ruin is such a good design fair perk, but in the meta shake up the perk was completely destroyed, now granted this needed to happen, ruin was the most ran killer perk for Years and the goal of the shake up was to not have the meta so stale, but every perk that was nerfed Still kept its usefulness just not as strong, but ruin was turned into a type of perk that I find the most worthless, The “win more” perk. The regression is not enough, it’s literally the amount of regression in a dry kick, you will never have a generator fully regress/lose a majority of progress with a dry kick unless you are already destroying the survivors. And for some reason the perk deactivates when someone dies………honestly for how week it is, that’s an unnecessary downside(especially considering how the perk in the current day of DBD, Will probably never make it past one generator because of how quick survivors nowadays are in finding and destroying hex’s). what would I do to change it? I’ve got some ideas.
    1: regression simply goes to 150%
    2:you get rid of that stupid downside where it deactivate if someone dies, and regression goes to the 125%.
    3: 125% regression and have the perk hidden(as in not showing to be lit) until a generator is complete or someone is hooked up or downed.
    Ruin is is probably the most famous/useful perk in the games history, and it does not deserve to be non-viable while other annoying perks, that deserved to be gutted more, get to still keep their value(cough cough dead hard, cough cough NOED). Thanks for reading my little essay lol.

  6. They should revert dh to its first nerf
    Nurse was perfectly fine didn’t need addon changes and m1/m2 changes she got
    Spirit also didn’t need change of hearing where she comes from

  7. Here's a bit of spice, pick any you wanna read:

    Deathslinger is one of the most fun killers in the entire game. To face AND to play as

    The Plague is capable of being one of the strongest killers in the game, easily top 5

    Oni is just less fun billy, in exchange for being able to Tokyo Drift you have to handle even the bad survivors pre-dropping every single pallet on the map because their desperate to not give you your power

    Despite how much everyone loves him, Ghostface is not a fun killer. Neither to face or play as. As much as everyone sees him as the goofy fun T-Bag man, I've rarely had a fun game against him, only ever sweatlords

    And finally, a repeat from the last hot takes video:
    RPD is a perfectly fine and playable map. People refuse to learn it because of the hate bandwagon, but ever since its rework, its been solid. Just spend even one damn minute running around it and paying attention

  8. Hot take:

    I am a freddy main and I enjoy my games playing as him he is a really good killer and I personally don't see the hate behind him being so weak like just get better because he is slept on a lot and very underestimated


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