Bully Survivor Gets Karma – Dead by Daylight #Shorts

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#shorts #dbd #deadbydaylight
Sometimes as killer you need to deal out karma to survivors who are mean to another.

Hope all have fun with the shorts in the dbd, dbd mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities.
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48 thoughts on “Bully Survivor Gets Karma – Dead by Daylight #Shorts”

  1. Idk y people do this and ruin the game, there was one I played last week the dude kept trolling one of the teammates I hung instead of helping him down from hook, he became my obsession and though I hate doing this but I had to face camp him after I hooked him as Karma

  2. Reminded me of when after I healed my teammate, we were chased moments after. I was behind them, after that they pulled down a pallet in front of me. I was shocked and was like "wtf!?" But then I was also giving them the benefit of the doubt that perhaps it was an accident? The killer must have noticed it, and chased after my teammate. Because I noticed that he swerved passed me. πŸ˜…

  3. I had a guy like this yesterday, after the match he proceeds to file a report on the website . Screencast it and act all smug because I'm "working with the survivors" and its bannable to do so and he has proof.

  4. I honestly think this was me lol, but she 100% deserved it because she had trapped me in the beginning of the game and trolled me because I cleansed a totem..you just killed me because I did what she did to me πŸ˜‚ but gg


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