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The Trickster’s rework just hit the live-server of Dead by Daylight and I’m not sure what to really think… Can the NEW Trickster be viable, or does he need more changes?
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HE SUCKS. Everyone that hates the nerfs complain to the devs every day and it must happen. But at this point he feels like this meme.
Survivors: ahhh call an ambulance call an ambulance… but not for me😈
The survivor community just thrashed down another rework to the ground … Funny thing is the pyramid head can tunnel the hell out of any survivor and one shot a whole health state not to mention the camping capability and they're crying about a killer who literally needs 6 constant hits for an injury and can't punish in high walled loops … This tells you something about thr stupid community this game has not to mention the developers.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what happened is:
1) OG Trickster had base 3 k/s throw rate, but it would gradually speed up to 4 k/s until you let go
2) BHVR said "fck it" and made his throw rate 4 k/s by default
3) BHVR said "fck it" again and reverted his base throw rate to 3 k/s WITHOUT gradual speed up
No wonder he feels like he strained his wrist. And don't get me wrong, 4.6 is a big deal. But if we keep in mind his throw rate was nerfed, his laceration count got nerfed, his laceration decay was nerfed, his main event was slightly buffed, but also nerfed…
Yeah… BHVR nerfed Trickster. Now that's somerhing I never imagine would've come out of my mouth…
They killed trickster, bastards!
Pretty sure they needed the reload after main event addon, and the 3 knife main event addons
As a returning trickster main i only really have one complaint and its how fast laceration decays its almost there its soo close to hitting that good rework range
Imo ptb trickster isn’t OP, just way better than his old version, but far from top 6 killer. Ppl was over reacting
Thank you to the content creators and their army of parrots for yelling at Bhvr to nerf an already bad killer into a state where he's weaker than rework.
Trickster definitely doesn’t feel as strong as he was in the PTB. 4.6 movement speed and no recoil is great, but the knife throwing feels really sluggish with how slow it is and main event doesn’t even really feel that much faster, it’s basically just the same amount of knives that he would’ve thrown in his old base kit so it’s basically making you work more for the same power you used to already have as base kit.
Literally just play huntress or slinger. Played a game yesterday and had one of my most boring killer matches. Trapper is more fun.
Throw rate nerf feels cringy
Main event is so useless now. It should be either more or less than needed for injury, so you can keep it for next survivor / use on survivor while healthy.
Trickster is simply worse than before.
Why they just didn't make him 115% and remove recail, everything else like before….
now he is like doctor. good potential, but he slows himself down way too much and his power isn´t effective at all
4:33 Wait a minute isn’t that My David King as Dr. Eggman skin right there? Am I in Tatariu video?!
Trickster rework is a great example of that one sports coach meme that said: "I think our whole team needs to be executed after tonight"
That just applies so well to BVHR balancing team. Clueless.
“No way I can’t believe this!” – Dr. Eggman
Trickster is PAINFUL to play now. Everything feels wrong, just off. New throw rate actually makes him unbearable.
It’s terrible, I thought it was supposed to be a buff. I’m not maining trickster if he plays like this
This is what happens when the WHOLE COMMUNITY screams that he was op in the ptb when the only issue anyone actually had was with the iri addon. He was a d tier killer and now he’s f tier I knew this was gonna happen 😪 I just watched a killer get Old Freddy’d in 2023… I blame all the content creators and their clickbaity drama thumbnails, I was gonna main him! 😭
3 knifes per second💀💀
He looks pretty fun but I haven't played him at all so I wouldnt know
I think not, trickster feels worse as an M2 at the moment.
If you go only for M1s hes definitely better. But thats not what the killer was designed for…
EDIT: (Hes not better, the M1s only feel slightly easier to hit because of the 4.6. Everything else is WORSE by a lot)
Trickster it's ok is viable for the quality life in the videogame right now.
trickster boring to play boring to vs and boring to watch gg bhvr
i played him literally 3 times since rework and won only once. ONCE. i also didnt deserve that W. it was so hard to down on bad maps. i feel punished for playing him how i used to. they destroyed many trickster playstyles in one day. and now the only "viable" playstyle is the green+yellow addon that lets you have infinite main event to tunnel/camp off hook. thats crazy. my playstyle shatter blades + old soda can was ANNIHILATED.
3 things that destroyed shatter blades (edge of revival purple addon)
1. Trickster's now nerfed low firing rate. dogwater. just how it didnt make sense for him to have recoil in 3 different ways, it doesnt make sense that his wrists suddenly developed arthritis in the fog. WTF.
2. They killed the fizz spin soda. my deceased soda can. theres no purpose for the new soda can. 10/10 trickster mains never once did give a f about a combo. NOT EVER. theres literally no reason why his MINIMUM blades hit SHOULD BE 8. THAT'S SO STUPID. having to hit minimum 16 blades to down in less than 10 second intervals. TELL ME THE DEV NEVER PLAYED TRICKSTER WITHOUT TELLING ME THEY NEVER PLAYED TRICKSTER!!! im convinced they never have once touched him.
My favorite addon is now dogwater. thank u bhvr. pls some loser nerfed my man. send help.
Main event definitely needs to have higher throw rate, 4 blades per second feels awful