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Don’t you love when you try to help end game and they do nothing but leave the team and you hanging 🙃

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►Starting Song – SoundNet – Losing Hope Was Freedom
►Ending Song – L’indécis – Soulful


29 thoughts on “CARRYING GAMES THEN GETTING LEFT BEHIND?! Dead By Daylight”

  1. There was one game where I did 3 gens before anyone else even got one. The other survivors left my friend to die on first hook meanwhile I was being chased on the other side of the map. The killer gives up chasing me and doesn’t even down me. The other two survivors finally finished one gen. Then they pick up a key that my friend found in a chest. The killer chases me again and they finally get me. The other two survivors then decide to leave and let me die on first hook.

  2. This is exactly why i became a killer main. Survivors just do absolutely nothing now leaving you to carry the hell outta them then they just leave. And if you ask them to do more they instantly turn into massive gobshites slinging insults at you. We should be able to mark survivors and if they play this way we mark them, then if they get enough marks then they have a permanent cosmetic or something that tells other players they act like this and then we can kick them from our lobby before the game starts

  3. One of the worst parts of this update is you can’t do gens, totems, heals, or chests without your mouse hand by pressing escape anymore. I know it was a bit of an exploit but it was nice

  4. Hey puppers, I just want to say I’ve been watching you for at least 2 or 3 years. I enjoyed you content so much that you are the sole reason I saved up my money to buy a computer. Since then I have so many new friends and have made so many wonderful memories. One of my favorites memories was when I got to play with you on a stream that’s hands down by best gaming experience. Even if you don’t see this I just needed it out there. Thank you for all that you do.

  5. It's been months since I opened DBD and every time I watch others play and I see the state of solo queue, I put it off even more. It was never great but this is just awful for people who actually know how to play. In other news, I have taken to calling you Puppadup. I have no idea why, I just wanted to share. haha

  6. This new update sucked the fun out of the game big time. No matter how many times they try fixing the problems, it will never be the same. Killers are having a field day, taking more advantage of getting their kills and earning their 4Ks, (nothing wrong with it) but it sucks for Survivors, which they messed up the animation, almost feel like they've deliberately made them slow. I've lost pips and ended up being in the lower rank and find it extremely difficult to rank up.

    The only way to win match is probably make good use of exhaustion perks, play SWF or play with mid to higher ranks players.

  7. At this point I straight up don't care whether i get left behind or not, as long as I got my WGLF stacks and enough bloodpoints from the trial alone that's all that really counts for me. Although I am inclined to equip Deliverance for the times I'm left to die on first hook even before endgame even commences…


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