Changes for Pinhead | Reworked Add-ons (PTB 5.4.0) – Dead by Daylight

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42 thoughts on “Changes for Pinhead | Reworked Add-ons (PTB 5.4.0) – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Bruh so now after I hit a survivor with my chain only 2 chains get stuck on them instead of 3 as before? This is so ass man they nerfed pinhead for no fucking reason when he needed a buff like to take chains longer to break out of

  2. Poor guy needs some quality of life changes, not a bunch of addon nerfs, I don't know how they even came up with this. It's not like he was even all that strong to begin with, other than one very specific build of perks and addons, even that is bottom A/top B tier at best, the rest of the cases he's meh

  3. as a pinhead main, the longer timer for the box were the best for…the box, it allowed pinhead to reach the survivor in time to stop him and activate chain hunt again but now i have to use both longer solving of the box just to have the old green addon? hell nah man i'll just use impaling wire and iri lament configuration from now on

  4. My thoughts on these :
    Larry's Remain : Does anybody ever use that? They even made it now the same as yellow…
    Chatters tooth : Pretty welcome change this addon was essentially worthless i couldn't understand why i am going out of my way trading off the only real threatening ability for mere 12 seconds of undetectable which is like 3 less than Nemesis Serotonin.
    Engineers Fang : I can somewhat justify this change because this made Pinhead ridiculously strong if he teleports gateaway into people
    Iridescent cube : Useless addon in my opinion, 16 meters was already nothing too great since survivors could still find the box accidently and now its even worse, now all you need is to go for a bit of a hike through the middle of the map to eventually see it, doesn't justify it being "Iridescent" at the very least

    Besides the ability for survs to see the cube means usually you could see somebody on BBQ going for the box for you to intercept him

  5. only one of these nerfs was needed and that was the engineers fang. The other nerfs are BHVR once again showing how utterly useless and clueless they are when it comes to balancing their own game.

  6. His active (m2) chains need a huge buffs… he is so weak now :(… and they nerf addons… why? xD
    I mean, it's good that they do anything with him, but judging by the past they won't listen to community anyway… eh

  7. I remember going against a pinhead with two addons to slow the puzzle and it was awful. He also had Franklins, so if he found you then he would get a free chain hunt. It was an annoying game. I'm glad the slowing addons are getting nerfed.

  8. He deserves these nerfs. The only people whining are the ones abusing the broken and OP Fang addon and spamming Franklin's/Hoarder. I love BHVR for this.

    Killer mains malding. If you think he needs buffs you're just bad at him.

  9. this was such a strange change. but i understand if they wanna take it slow or something.

    but for me they needed to increase the base chainhunt timer which is obviously the reason that his killrates are so inflated at the moment despite how dogshit he feels to play, its a literal smooth brain passive ability that gives him free game delay. leave popular addons alone and buffed the unused ones.

    then once they have his passive under control they need to buff up the summons of pain, for such a punishing and high skill ability it sure has dogshit rewards for being able to land it properly.

  10. Did they even improve his power when came to actually connecting with survivors and not breaking around every single object the survivor run 5 meters next too, nope just nerfs okay well fucm, can't have fun with any killer man

  11. Dam add on changes that are actually reasonable (for the most part) the take longer to solve mostly got rid of the solving during carrying strat and made solving during chain hunt near impossible on top of the passive chains that interrupt solving if you have the cube. I really liked the design of the undetectable add on even though the undetectable was the worst part but at least with the increased duration you kinda force value. The iri cube is still much better than nothing and makes looking for it more of a option outside of the chain hunt. The fang needed a actual downside instead of the survivor getting a slight bit more distance, but it didn’t really need to be as bad as the bp ad on. To bad no actual changes to pinhead this feels like when they made twins ultra rare add ons better but slightly nerfed the baby but at least this change was more in-depth even though he still has untouched strong add ons and 4 useless range add ons.


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