Chapter 19 Teasers, Leaks, and Other Info | Dead By Daylight

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Big Huge Mega Ultra Large thank you to DbDleaks, and leaksbydaylight for their work.
If BHVR won’t communicate, we got them to keep us up to date with whats going on with DbD

Also here is the almost year and a half old forum post about the Magnum opis chapter idea.


27 thoughts on “Chapter 19 Teasers, Leaks, and Other Info | Dead By Daylight”

  1. My idea for the new Killer:
    Due to the presence of surveillance cameras in the Game teaser image and the Graffiti Nea picture with the time 11/3/21 (March 11, 2021) in the corner hinting at the time of Chapter leaks, I have a feeling that this new Killer will be focused on information, specifically gathering information and not letting Survivors be stealthy, like The Doctor. Magnum Opus just sounds like a huge scientific project, and perhaps we could take this is a Big Brother situation, where the Killer is a surveillance AI that has been corrupted and gone rouge, known as The Overseer. It could use its powers to access any form of machinery to inhabit a robotic body for locomotion (if this is the case, one of The Overseer's perks would include something to affect Generators). The design could be a thin, fragile endoskeleton with large wires moving the limbs, simlar to Ennard from FNAF, and resting on top is a monitor or computer of sorts where all the motor control and surveillance is.

    Perhaps the Power of this AI Killer would be to place down security cameras, and a Survivor's Aura is revealed when they are within a certain range of these cameras, similar to Hex: Undying's proximity effect with Totems (this would explain the post focusing on the surveillance room in The Game, and would tie into the surveillance camera Nea is vandalizing in the image revealing the date of Chapter leaks). Survivors would be able to Dismantle cameras, which would give a Loud Noise Notification like cleansing a Totem.

    Add-ons could include longer range for the camera, more cameras, longer time to Dismantle, and status effects when being Watched (revealed by a camera).

    For Perks, I definitely expect one to give information. Perhaps, to discourage stealthy Survivors, when a Survivor stays 120/80/60 seconds out of a chase, their Aura gets revealed until they enter a chase. This Killer would also carry a perk to affect Generators, though I'm not sure what that would do

  2. New killer:the Meh
    The Meh is a meh killer with her power the Bllllehhhhhh is able to put down a purple block which has collision and there are purple particles coming off it 😀

    The Meh has 3 perks(no shit) and they are:buffalo chicken pizza,used toilet paper and Marios cum sock.The Meh can kill survivors

    New survivor:Karen
    Karen does everything another survivor can do but has different voice lines and a different model.With her 3 personal perks:speak to the manager,yelling and fuck off

    She is able to speak with the killers manager and give them blowjobs in order to get the hatch.ENTITY PLEASED

  3. If there is a good idea in the forums (I didn't read the Magnum Opus one so idk about that specifically), who cares if BHVR copies it? That's literally why it was suggested in the first place lol


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