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#IntotheFog #deadbydaylight #dbd
This video talks goes over possible Chapter 21 teasers. Pennywise or Springtrap may have been teased on the Dead by Daylight twitter as the Chapter 21 new killer.
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y would they make another clown?
They also released a tweet saying
I'm not getting my hopes up for Springtrap, though i really want to see him in the game. Given the carnival is used in every teaser, i'm almost certain that it's Pennywise.
3:16 WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?! How does one do that?
There is an Ace is the cage under the sign so maybe that indicates the letter A???
If it is Springtrap, I will reinstall this game just for that.
my Money is on spring trap
I hope Mike smchit is the survivor for spring trap if it does come out
man, this form of teasing is VERY similar to what FNAF teasers were for years
Honestly I’d be genuinely scared if Pennywise is added to the game😂😂😂
Can we please stop with all of this clickbait, this kind of: OMG NEW PENNYWISE AND SPRINGTRAP TEASER!!?!?!?!? has been going on for so long and none of it is true or makes sense. OMG an i and an s??????? Could dbd be spelling out I Suck Dick and teasing a new gay killer?!?!?!??! Like please just stop with all of this shit it's getting out of hand
here's what i think is gonna happen: we'll get a new chapter
that's all i got, thank you for listening
If you go on twitter, almost all of their clues point towards springtrap, the letters S, I, A, R and T and someone even mentioned something about an egg (couldn't find it myself, but i took his/hers word for it), which could point towards Easter, which is located in spring. When the letter A was revealed, the title for the tweet was "AAAAAA", which could seem like a reference to the jumpscares in FNAF. Also, the leak about the killer having two skins, would suit perfectly for springtrap. A legendary skin where he becomes Golden Freddy, and a rare skin, where he is a damaged version of himself.
It looks like a Bonnie suit then a crow I see ears eyes mouth body springtrap is more likely
Is it possible they may just do a original killer and save a licensed killer for later? They did say they are doing 2 licensed and 2 original. I would think maybe they will do licensed then original then licensed again. I could be wrong but who knows. 🙂🤡🐙
17 is my bro’s bday
I don’t care I care about that sandbagging Tap 😂😂😂😂😂
I think it's Springtrap due to a recent post saying that Dead Dawg Salloon was closed for renovations. Reminds me of how FNaF 2 and 3 ends with the location getting shut down. In 2, it was for repairs and for 3, it's due to a fire. Sister Location had hinted to a place being closed for repairs due to a leak (the Canceled due to Leaks) teaser.
Also they teased the letter A so
I don't think I want to play the game anymore if some Five Nights at Freddy's character is going in, it just seems so out of place.
Why do people want it as a character so bad? He doesnt even work because almost all of the dbd survivor roster wouldnt fear it