CHAPTER 22 TEASER INFO LEAKED! New Teaser EVERY Day?! – Dead by Daylight

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This was FAST! The website that chapter 22’s teaser will be released on has already been datamined! We know how many and when the teasers will be coming, we also have a clue of WHO could be involved/behind this chapter’s killer! Let’s break it down!

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🔴 Monday – 7:00pm EST to 10:00pm EST
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All Chapter 22 Killer Possibilities ►

The Licensed Killer Cosmetics We NEED! ►

0:00 Intro
0:57 Website Datamine
1:49 Missed Crow Picture
2:15 Inca Theory Begins
2:40 Mathieu Cote Possible Tease?
3:04 Inca Theory Continued
4:28 Chonchon Theory
5:26 Outro
Music Used:
Dead by Daylight Metal Cover – Thunder Scott –
“Tainted (Instrumental Version)” by Red Revision

#IntoTheFog #dbd #chapter22


44 thoughts on “CHAPTER 22 TEASER INFO LEAKED! New Teaser EVERY Day?! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. What do you guys think about this? How do you think The Black Vale plays a part in this chapter?! Let me know! Thank you all so much for watching, you're all amazing!

  2. HOLY GUACC! Big brain idea: new killer is a cult leader! The first pic looks like a religious pillar, The Black Vale is a cult dedicated to the entity, and crows are a common bird in the entity’s realm!!!

  3. Ironically enough while watching this I'm doing a school assignment about incas mayans and aztecs lol also don't forget about the most important part of the crows in dbd and that is… "Disturb Crows 50 Times".

  4. I hope its not Chon Chon cause idk if I can stomach a head with big ass ears and talons chasing me. I have no idea what the killer is gonna be but it does look like we are getting a new map or at least a place of origin for some lore. Maybe the abandoned mine is one of the Black Vales hideouts? Maybe that is where the entity rests in our world, should be fun!

  5. Probably a stretch, but what if it’s a dark fairy?

    If we look at the last image, kinda looks like maleficent. Obviously, copyright and stuff, it cant be maleficent but she was a dark fairy. That and, her wings are quite big, and her “partner in crime” I guess, was a crow.

    The image could be some form of magical sigil, clock, tower etc used in rituals or perhaps summonings: and, the image of a dark fairy is interrupted different by each person, so to have a fairy with feathered wings isn’t a long shot possibility.

    Again, looooong stretch 😅 But possible I suppose.

  6. A user named Dalek sec, made a great point thinking how the Killer is likely a Black Vale Leader and I'd like to expand on that, perhaps in the DBD universe, the Black Vale originated from the Incan Empire or at the very least had an Incan Leader

  7. i possibly think that bhvr might not be directly refrencing the killer which i do think could probly be a bird like creature but i think that tower ink art might possibly be in refrence to a map where going to get in those cordinates with it possibly being like machmillian estate since your know mining operation's so possibly i have 2 map varient's already that for the first variation it's going to be a town area like dead dog with that modistary structure somwhere in the center or a skew to the map and the other being the mine itself being rock like cave structre's. this is my speculation however

  8. (A chilean viewer here, I'm sorry about my english) Incas are not a big part of chilean culture, there were some Incas invasions coming from the north but they were pushed back by the mapuche people, and that's as far as interactions went with them, so I doubt anything related to Incas AND Chile would ever come out, it just wouldn't make sense

  9. I am of the opinion that the killer will not be based upon folklore or mythology. To me from the website linked talking about C. Mora, it feels as if this will be a person that is an artist and political radical. I feel that this is going to be a character more like the Deathslinger, who was wronged by society and perhaps took the wrong methods in bringing about the change they wanted to see, but with supernatural elements related to the entity and the black vale. I also find it strange that if this is indeed the killer, that they would release the archetype of the killer artist again after their last original killer , the Trickster, fits that archetype. Perhaps C. Mora is not a killer artist and they do not kill to further their art, but with the potential chapter name being Portrait of a Murder (Unconfirmed), it would point in that direction. I also think that it is unlikely to be based upon folklore and mythology because it is actually not that common in the killer roster for that to be the case. Don't get me wrong there are a few examples such as the Oni and Spirit being directly tied to Japanese mythology and the Hag being tangentially related to the wendigo. Other than them however, there is no other killers that I can see that are based upon folklore or mythology (Note: I may be wrong here as I am unsure if Wraith is, and Doctor is based on a real person if that counts). So to sum up, I think this killer will not be based upon folklore and instead be connected to the black vale/entity through their desire to change the world and as such they perhaps gain powers related to their art and crows.


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