FULL prestige 100 team get Uro-turded – Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Streamed at twitch.tv/zeb89


10 thoughts on “FULL prestige 100 team get Uro-turded – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Banning people who write in Italian from your live feeds is discrimination and in many countries it is a punishable crime. People are free to speak their language.

    Edit: We Italians cannot be "forced" to write in English in your live feeds in order not to be banned. This comment is not intended to offend anyone, least of all Zeb89.

  2. HAHAHA the mikaela got outplayed it's almost like it's too ez for Zeb, it's so embarrassing for a p100 so she had to challenge zeb to a pointless 1v1, coz he couldn't take the embarrassment and the L

  3. 10:39 your gameplay is fun to watch but dont blame the killer for your mistakes, just turn a little bit before you collide with her which will change the position you throw/slam her, its called urobending its very useful, mean no offense I understand you cant learn every tech because you play variety but that is a vital wesker tech that is piss easy to do and will prevent scenarios like that


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