Chapter 28 New Killer, New Survivor, and Power LEAKED – Dead by Daylight

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Dead by Daylight’s Chapter 28 New Killer, New Survivor, and Power was leaked yesterday. Let’s discuss the leaks.

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30 thoughts on “Chapter 28 New Killer, New Survivor, and Power LEAKED – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Update: The LeaksbyDaylight power is likely fake. I heard that DBDLeaks owner Mas said that was the power as a troll and LeaksbyDaylight thought it was real.

  2. I just want to point out that The Knight chapter (even though i love it) was an original chapter and has about 41/100 of good reviews only. many people didn't like it and then we got The Skull Merchant which is another original chapter and it has 37/100 of likes and an overall bad review on steam…it has the roughest reviews that DBD has had for a good while and now for the 7th Anniversary they want to release a 3rd original chapter in a row???! After the two previous ones didn't do so good in reviews? What is DBD doing?

  3. If the Singularity is the new killer's name, it could likely be a robot or AI based. The Singularity theory in the real world basically says that at some point, we as humans will make AI so advanced that there will be a no-return point. Based on this, the new killer The Singularity could be a reference to this theory.

  4. I hohonestly don't think the next chapter will be original because of the fact the knight chapter and skull merchant chapter both failed miserably!! So with the anniversary chapter I honestly don't think behavior would do the same mistake 3 times in a row, that doesn't make any sense to me if they were to do that!!! I feel and believe the anniversary chapter will be licensed due to the last few chapter's failing!! Behavior doesn't want that to happen!!

  5. I'm not gonna lie the only reason I still play this game is because I enjoy playing ghostface and seeing/testing out new content, but because all the new content since wesker has been absolutely garbage if this anniversary chapter isn't amazing and huge I'm probably gonna take a break until something big changes in dbd

  6. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. I would give my left tit for an alien chapter.
    After such dismal recent original chapters they really..reaaally.. needed a horror icon license. Bold move to go original chapter after the last two were failures.
    Wth are they thinking?????


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