Chapter 31 Killer Rumors and Your Theories – Dead by Daylight

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17 thoughts on “Chapter 31 Killer Rumors and Your Theories – Dead by Daylight”

  1. That's a real interesting video bro,my theory for the next killer is that the watchers might be either an actual group of soldiers that march through the map and actually use artillery as it was stated before,my second theory is that the watchers wont be able to attack unless they obtain a host wich is gonna be a Survivor from the match, that Survivor will temporarely mutate and go on a rampage agaist it's own mates meanwhile the player has to do Something to get free from the control but the Watchers will kinda work like Slenderman,the longer you look at them the harder it gets to see and easier to control you get.
    Ofcourse i'm probably wrong but this being the chapter before the Anniversary too i think they're gonna come up with Something interesting.
    Same with the DnD Vecna,i feel like it has more potential than ST Vecna even if people wont be as happy,im mainly excited about Dracula from Castlevania coming to the game even if i wonder if he's gonna be the Anniversary killer.

  2. Yeah my name is “Major Gaming” just spelt a little differently, but yeah i just hope that with whatever route they take with The Watchers includes a lot of war and alien stuff u know, like I don’t want the alien stuff to be just a background thing if it’s gonna be part of the characters

  3. YOO WAIT, people used to theorize The Observer was going to be a killer and The Watchers were trying to posses him in the new Tome. What if the next killer is The Observer but possessed by The Watcher

  4. Avid lore reader here. This is going to be long so get your coffee or a cup of tea ready.
    In the HBD 2022 lore the Watcher's created the esoteric devices to open up massive rifts in the sky to enter The Void. It's been speculated that The Void holds some mean of escape, at least from the Void itself, as both Vigo and Talbot (Blight) had used the pustula serum to escape from it. During their usage of the devices, a massive cancerous canker appeared on a layer of the MacMillan Realm.
    In the 2023 HBD lore we watch as Alion (The Observer) open this canker with the use of arcane symbols, opening a gateway between the realms and the Void. With the lines between the realms and Void blurred, the Haunts, emotionless remnants who served no sustenance to the Entity, were able to escape and provide either aid or harm.

    It should also be noted that two of the Watchers engaged in physical combat after one seemingly attempted to sabotage the device. During their battle, the Entity dragged the other away deep into the Fog. With the Entity holding one of the Watchers already, and the actions taken to sabotage the others work, it seems the realms are driving them become more selfish in their goals, and the one taken was eithered turned into a Survivor (like the Observer) or a Killer (as speculated)

  5. I'd love to believe it. It sounds like a cool idea. It could be my new main. I'd also love to see the predator. and the truth is, I like the licensed chapters better, but I also like these kind of animalistic or monstrous killers.


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