PERFECT SCORE DEMO GAME! 32K BP! – Dead by Daylight!

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21 thoughts on “PERFECT SCORE DEMO GAME! 32K BP! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. 6:40 Tru3 they are oblivious while cleansing portals! They are not oblivious next to or adjacent from portals, spine chill also activates while they are oblivious. You’ve went to great lengths to prove “look they’re not oblivious even though they’re next to my portals” but most of the time you’ve said this, you’ve gotten a hit on people actually cleansing the portal! You have to be on top of the portal to be oblivious, that means if you’re on a gen next to a portal it doesn’t work or if you get off it with spine chill it won’t work.

  2. I would personally like an option for Demo that, if you have at least one portal and you were standing in a portal-placeable spot, he could place a portal and then immediately traverse it. it would be faster and would make him coller imo. It would be similar to how Trapper doesn't need to pick up his traps to reset them now.


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