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30 thoughts on “CHEATERS SEEM TO HAVE VERY FRIGILE EGOS… – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Because of these assholes they are going to take away my power to share the game, I will have to buy the whole game again, with all the dlc xd, what a way to ruin a game just by not knowing how to play.

  2. 1. a cheater trash talking is already hilarious
    2. bming as cheater acting like you doing so good, clear small pp sign
    3. wanting to report someone when you are cheating, a sign of low IQ caused by being a shut in living at your parents house basement, hes acting looks like hes a victim of either bullying or domestic violence
    4. True why you report in game when we all fully know its not working, hell even the devs said those reports are just for show and they dont work at all anyway.

  3. The devs just turn their eyes because they don't want to spend the $ on an anticheat . D2 got battleye anticheat and it helped immenselly. DBD devs are the worst i've seen when it comes to dealing or even speaking on the hacker issues. I can't got a night at high mmr without seeing one. Will be taking a break from dbd to see how vhs plays out

  4. One of the main reasons I hate that they did cross platform for this game. PC hackers. I guess all there is to do is to keep reporting them, keep getting them banned and then hopefully they get bored. I can't imagine this is fun?

  5. Had a Feng not stand the fact that she failed to bully me so she just started cheating. Flying around and self hooking. Funny enough she still needed to mend though. So I just bored her and she left. What a loser.

  6. "Hey guys, we know there's cheaters and we neglect the health of our game while being deceptive, dismissive, and prudish, but we have a Blood Hunt for ya! Totally unrelated to the VHS beta release even though it's completely unannounced and we've never done it in November. Also, we've added a few more nerfs to Spirit." – BHVR (probably)

  7. A modded account is an account with 100% completion that you can download by deactivating or pausing your connection to the DbD servers, installing a specific win_package, reconnecting and saving your progress on BHVRs end.

    Modded accounts are essentially an unlockall with all perks in the game on every character, P3 Level 50, even legacy AND 600 of every addon, item and offering in the game.

    People with modded accounts can essentially bring Haddonfield, Botteled time, strong medkits and the best addons every game.

    As far as I know however modded accounts are probably even less likely to be banned than people that change character and perk icons, because they are technically using things that are all available in the game naturally (even though I've seen people able to bring flashbangs without the perk or vaccines to a killer that isn't nemesis)

  8. If you are going to report using one word I would report "Hacking" not "Cheating" in the form to BVR to provide more accuracy. "Cheating" could misunderstood as in game exploits as that form listed them. While wrong in game exploits can range into far more innocuous territory. Hackers should just be permanently banned and lose their game. Just my opinion 🙂 .

  9. i have never noticed a cheater in dbd in like 4 years and then all of a sudden i have had about 5 in the space of a week, with 2 being in the same game. What i notice aswell is they're the worst players on the team.


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