PIG VS 2 BNPS?! – Dead by Daylight!

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11 thoughts on “PIG VS 2 BNPS?! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Idk it could be killer choice MMR, I'm also in red ranks not that it matters, and I've been strictly using Hillbilly for the majority of my games. I'd say around out of all my matches since the Resident Evil Chapter release, most of my games have been 46% chill, in terms of the energy I put in to "win" or how casual the survivors were. The other 54% I was being "pushed" by survivors or faced more challenging people. and I usually play ehhh 3 games of killer a day, so factor that in since the RE Chapter release

  2. Even if they are super chill he doesn't tone down HIS sweaty gameplay. Which i get it. Thats how he plays. But don't get aggravated if others are sweaty because thats how they play. This is DBD so the only sweats you really see are in swf so in that situation you're just screwed.

  3. Bruh these guys, and I'm sure they're lovely people irl… Were GARBAGE at this game. I swear I've never seen some of the shit these survivors were doing. I was in stitches at the dead hard in killer shack and then the climb through window into the killers arms play. I seriously am in disbelief.


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