Red Forest Feels Even Worse than Before – Dead by Daylight

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48 thoughts on “Red Forest Feels Even Worse than Before – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Clutter can appear on pretty much any map where it's not supposed to now. For example: I've played against bots on Pale Rose and one of the trees or tree stumps spawned near wall of that pier thing, making the loop longer

  2. One up side to the clutter everywhere is that now Otz can finally stop complaining about his precious Trapper grass! Of course Trapper probably gets rinsed on a map this large anyway, but hey it's something!

  3. I genuinely think cluttering all the maps is bhvr’s idea of a good way to nerf blight, in which case they of course wouldn’t even consider that there exist other weaker LOS killers

  4. what if, instead of having walls everywhere, they solved this problem by making it four separate tilesets: One for maps with ruins, one for maps which are a town (haddonfield, freddy's map, the like), one for maps which are forests, and one for indoor maps?
    Might help each map feel more unique and allow them to better tailor aesthetics to fit actual playable map design instead of having some dude just hop into the red forest with a hatchet I guess and build twig walls everywhere for shits n' gigs (while also allowing them to keep the rocks and fallen logs and trees everywhere without running into those fuckin' walls). It'd add to the replayability of the game to have them feel so different, I think.

  5. as a hag main I would say the red forest is now one of the most killer(hag) sided map now

    the bushes are so dense and survivors can't even see the traps, It is like facing invisible trap hag in that map

  6. Quit my first match in quite a while as killer as I just got so frustrated as Wesker. So much clutter it felt impossible to land anything. And making those logs green so they blend in? WHY

  7. And ironically shrinking maps will cause this map to eventually have horrendous gen spawns, dbd was first made with big maps in mind and this whole shrinkage of some maps make them feel atrocious to play especially with how close gens spawn into natural 3 gen setups for killers

  8. I've been maining Billy recently, and I hate the new Mother's Dwelling with a passion.
    There are other maps I don't like, but none of them I "hate". But this one I cannot stand.
    I legit have not won a single time on it. I really don't want to play on it.

  9. I got hard flamed for hating the Haddonfield rework before. TBF it was the forums so you get flamed for just existing but goddamn that map is garbage.

    It has insane LoS across the entire map which favors like 3 killers and screws over the rest, most pallets are garbage for survivor (especially against projectile killers) so the gameplay just devolves into window humping (aka go to the house with double windows, which is easy to pre-run to cause LoS), every window is a drop down window so even killers that excel at shutting down windows get fucked (except Wesker), the locker spawns are garbage for Dredge (which is the killer that came out immediately after so I vividly remember it), and to top it all off they ended up giving the map a middle 4-gen spawn somehow (did they ever fix that? haven't been playing) and proceeded to release 2 killers whose entire existence capitalizes on 3 gens.

    Fuck Haddonfield. It's hard to say that it's strictly worse than old Haddonfield, but it's certainly less unique and incredibly boring to play for both sides.

  10. Even spirit with ring and amulet struggles on this map… you can say it's skill issue but damn the map feels bigger than it was, and pallets everywhere.

  11. Little Funfact for you, Scott. I have also played Plague yesterday on Mothers Dwelling and have exact the same thoughts then 😂 Then I talked with a friend about this theme and now you made this Video 😂

  12. I totally agree with you on Mother's Dwelling. I main Bubba and hot damn is it hell trying to navigate around all the random bushes and branches that'll force you into a tantrum. The map looks amazing, and has a great forest vibe to it. But it's still the same size with more fat-shaming spots than ever.

  13. I like both maps. As Killer it’s not too great but as Survivor it feels like you can run killers for hella long if you’re good and that is quite fun thus far

  14. The filler loops are safer overall so Temple is not really that fine, a combination of stronger loops + lots of clutter have made the map gone from a very decent open map for Huntress to a very bad one (many low loops are now tall and the clutter prevents most ranged shots), which probably translates to other killers.

    As for Mother's Dwelling, there are some factual buffs that they gave it without a word in the patch notes:

    -In terms of pallet count it used to go from 10 to 16 with average 12, now it is more like 12 to 17 with average 14 pallets. They have increased the pallet density of the map so you see more pallets than ever.

    -They implemented RNG changes on the mazetiles, giving proper rules to realms that needed them (like MacMillan and Autohaven). While Red Forest needed them too, Mother's Dwelling has 6 maze tiles so having these rules imply getting 3 to 4 strong maze tiles every match. This would be fine if they had reduced the size of the map and removed a couple maze tiles, but they didn't. So in conjunction with the previous point, now we have a consistently stacked Mother's Dwelling, which is exactly what it was missing to compete with the very worst maps in terms of most survivor sided.

    -Main building not only didnt get breakable walls to address the god windows, they made a very weird change. Before you had configurations with a god window that had 1 pallet and configurations without a god window that had 3 pallets, but now regardless of god window or not you get 2 pallets all the time so the god window configs are stronger and the ones without are weaker…

  15. Glad to see someone else complaining about this. I noticed how bad the rework was after my very first game on Red Forest. How BHVR can consistently mess things up is beyond me.

  16. I honestly might start dodging Mother's Dwelling if I'm playing a Killer that needs LoS for their Power bc it's baaaaaad.
    But Temple of Purgation is fine imo. 🙂
    At least they both look amazing.

  17. I didn´t even know they were reworking this map. I played it yesterday, no wonder I kept getting lost and stuck everywhere, felt like I´d never played that map before.

  18. Can't wait for the Haddonfield rant. As a surv main, the map used to be busted for survs, but in a sense it was still fun (for them). Now, regardless of role, when I load into Haddonfield I audibly groan.

  19. That is literally BHVRs map design now. It's clutter. Clutter is the map design. It's literally how they release all maps now. Just random shit that exist for no reason. Bushes with awful collision. Random rocks. Random wooden boards. Shit that just sticks out of the side of things you get stuck on. That's what it is now.

  20. Have literally been colliding with random twigs and ferns on the ground that look like they should have no collision. Half the time can't even see them in the FOV and chainsaw directly into them. The maps team have done such a consistently bad job for years now, its insane.

  21. it's called get good 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you can tell the difference between somebody that knows how to play and somebody like you who's clearly a newbie it's plenty of maps of the game that's good for killers I'm pretty sure you're not making videos on that 😭😭😭😭

  22. Okay, glad I am not insane and it actually is as big as before; another problem with this map now specifically for Demo is that the geometry is really not kind for the portals, I've found myself being forced to place the portals in really awkward spots, and there are even some generators that either spawn too close to hooks, or for some reason just won't accept a portal next to them, wihich severely limits gen pressure.

  23. What If maps slightly changed depending on the killer?

    Mothers Dwelling would be much more open when playing killers like Billy, Blight, Huntress, Deathslinger etc

    But when you play a stealth killer, there's gonna be shit everywhere. A hidden offering would disable or reverse that feature so you can run some meme builds like stealth billy

  24. Now i could have missed this but i don't remember ever seeing anywhere that red forest map was getting a "rework" per say the last i heard before it dropped it was like a visual update and not actually a rework? i could have missed it like i said but i don't think the devs actually said it was going to be reworked

  25. They added this wooden board on the shack window that blocks like half the LOS on the pallet so you can't pre-fire projectiles through the door. Annoying as hell.

  26. Sounds like a "skill issue" to me and all I hear is a GROWN MAN crying and whining. So a few maps in the game favor the survivor and killers only average 3.3 kills per game on those maps.. Boo Hoo… Cry some more, good god!


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