This Lads a Bit Salty! Dead by Daylight

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Another survivor getting salty about killers

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #toxic #salty #manchild #crying #entitled

I’m live right now! get on over here –


25 thoughts on “This Lads a Bit Salty! Dead by Daylight”

  1. When I get in this commenti section my brain starts to hurt for how bad people are at giving "gameplay sluctions" or "camping and tunneling are the only ways" for God sake get good Boys, camping and tunneling Is required against good swfs not against fucking pepegas Survivors

  2. Where do people come up with "Pro players" and "Comp players"? The tiny tournaments that are not even watched by 100 people ? So if i join this tourney and don't even make it far am i a comp/tourney/pro player aswell? For example on Mk11 you could say True is a comp player because well he plays competitive at a high level. DBD has nothing lol , a MMR system that works however it pleases 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. Always seeking for excuses. If you cant stand a loss as a survivor, or a player in general, you should either improve instead of blame, or just stop playing if you cant improve and hate losing.

  4. Can anyone tell me when/why he stopped going for hooks? Haven't watched in a bit

    tbh that survivor is right, you mostly tunnel and camp survivors now, I haven't watched you in a while and was surprised at first since you've always been anti-tunnel afaik since beta… Not opposed to it, was wondering how long it'd take you to 'crack', happy you do it now, it's more efficient and serves the toxic entitled survivors right.


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