This Bully Squad Tried To Abuse Midwich | Pig, Dead By Daylight

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31 thoughts on “This Bully Squad Tried To Abuse Midwich | Pig, Dead By Daylight”

  1. Had a bully squad like this that brought 3 petrified oaks and a red forest map offering against my basement trapper build. As soon as I saw the offerings and knew what they were doing I couldn’t stop laughing

  2. Love your content but doesn’t counteracting toxicity with toxicity just make you a hypocrite. Also this is evident in the way you regard these players

  3. Had a similar situation recently, did not realize that this was an actual thing people planned. Wasn't having any of it and got a 4k, happily bleeding them out

  4. It's hard to sympathize with any issues or complaints Survivors have when they think stuff like this is okay. Like, gameplay wise, sure, but on a social level it's just a disguise for wanting to be an asshole. It's literally dubbed a Bully Squad. Always great to see them lose and watch their egos crumble.

  5. I actually don't mind bully squads so much. They're so altruistic that they either all end up dieing because of that, or they'll just end up bleeding out eventually because I need to knock them down so much lol.

  6. Past week some send me to dead saloon…started to head on me, was playing as em all, except with one running power struggle as well..should let him bleed out..getting tired n annoyed thinking abt tht match…ahhh -_-


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