Jump-scare HATER Reacts to EVERY Killer Memento Mori And Dead By Daylight 2024 Trailers

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24 thoughts on “Jump-scare HATER Reacts to EVERY Killer Memento Mori And Dead By Daylight 2024 Trailers”

  1. yoo ur videos are pretty fire i think we should definitely work together, i am video editor specialize on gaming content niche and i think we should work together as soon as possible let me know as soon as possbile buddy! 🤙

  2. It sucks when compilation don't use the default skins or tell you when a unique mori is a skin, Naughty bear is a Trapper skin, the were elk is a Huntress skin, and the true form is a Dracula/The Dark Lord skin. Also for some reason this channel allowed the Unknown mori to be partly blocked by a wall

  3. Fun fact about DBD's voice actors, they do a lot of work with people from The Monster Factory which are basically voice actors who also are metal singers. So they know how to scream.

  4. I guess some people are just weaker in the stomach than others… because 9/10 of these, mostly the earlier ones, are just blood splashes. Later on they start showing more internal stuff and dismemberment. But this is no where NEAR the level of any modern Mortal Kombat. Not even MK9. Lol

  5. Honestly, I started playing dungeons and dragons with my friends somewhat recently and it is really fun. You don't have to be super weird to enjoy it, it's just most people that enjoy it are super weird. I'm speaking as one of the super weird guys

  6. i think it would be fun if you reacted to a DBD Killer tier list while knowing nothing about the game. A content creator called Otzdarva has a good, recent one (uploaded to a channel called "not Otzdarva" confusingly enough)!

  7. When it comes to DnD, there is no 'good' at the game. Meaning you don't need to be like hardcore in it. Yeah there are people that min/max, meaning they make hyper strong characters. But really all it takes is some basic math skills and a willingness to play in a story. The DM is a guide, you are the player. Its easier than you think, I played it since I was fifteen. Heck at this point I'm a DM myself. Long as you have a good group, its a good game, here's to hoping you one day get the chance to play it yourself. Side note, Vecna in DnD is a god in his own right. And in Stranger Things, the kids played DnD. Thus they allude to the big guy in there being Vecna.

  8. Tbh the Memento Mori’s is what makes the idea of FNAF collaborating with DBD so interesting because as you’ve probably seen FNAF isn’t a gory franchise sure sometimes there’s a bit of blood but the gory stuff is mostly just implied not actually seen by the player which is why the concept of a FNAF character being added to DBD is so exciting because we’re going to see them do stuff with would never be done on screen in a FNAF game

  9. Fun fact: Naughty Bear was from an older game of the same name made by the same developers long before they ever made Dead By Daylight. They decided to make Naughty Bear a playable skin for Trapper as a celebration to one of their previous anniversaries.

  10. 20:15
    Every time a new Killer and Survivor(s) come out, there are four new abilities for each of them that can be shared amongst all of the survivors and all of the killers once you reach a certain level (40) and unlock it for you are Survivors and Killers respectively. You can also purchase new abilities from the Shrine which is located in the Store outside of normal gameplay. The perks rotate every week or two, and cost Shards which you get by playing games and leveling up normally.

  11. Fun fact. The man who voices Vecna in both the trailer and the game is Matt Mercer. He is a very famous voice actor and very famous in the ttrpg space. He's apart of Critical Role which is a very famous dnd group and company

    Also Vecna from Stranger Things was named after the dnd character as were all the Stranger Things villains

  12. Memento Mori is a Latin phrase that means "remember (you can die)/death"

    The Castlevania Netflix series is based on the games. The first two seasons are Castlevania 3 (with the addition of supporting lore from Curse of Darkness), and the next two take place in between Castlevania 3 and Curse of Darkness (other than the last 3 episodes, which take a hard swerve away from canon). Nocturne looks to be retelling Rondo of Blood, which is the prequel for Symphony of the Night.

    Dracula takes his appearance from later in the series, when he's older. However, he has alternate skins that reference other games. The True Form skin is what he transforms into during several fights with him in the games. The different skins for Trevor allow you to play as Alucard, Leon Belmont (Lament of Innocence), Soma Cruz (Dracula's reincarnation, Aria/Dawn of Sorrow) and Simon Belmont (Castlevania 1), and all have different voices. Skins for other survivors dress you up as Sypha Belnades (Castlevania 3), Maria Renard (Rondo of Blood/Symphony of the Night), Shanoa (Oder of Ecclasia), Jonathan Morris (Portrait of Ruin), and a Death outfit (Dracula's servant) for one of the killers


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